π After Dusk π [Onsite Warriors RP][CLOSED]
Posted 2023-05-05 10:33:37 (edited)
Tigermoth was woken by from her slumber by the sensation of a tongue rasping her fur. She turned around and saw Leopardfreckle and beamed widely "Leopardfreckle, I'm so sorry I didn't visit you earlier" The ginger she cat gestured at her leg by way of an apology, Leopardfreckles eyes widened at her daughters injury before smiling calmy at her daughter "Its fine Tigermoth, I needed to visit Swanstorm anyway as I have been coughing alot" Tigermoth immediately winced remembering how frail her mothers experience with whitecough had left her, but she was glad for Swanstorms attentive care to her mother, Dewclan was very lucky to have such a caring medicine cat. Tigermoths wound suddenly gave a twinge and she turned to groom it. Leopardfreckle saw her daughter was injured and asked after it, with Tigermoth telling her the full story. Leopardfreckle saw how distressed her daughter was and decided to change the subject, "How are Poppyeyes and Fennelpurr?" Tigermoth blushed "Poppyeyes helped me get to the medicine cat den when I fell and I think he and Fennelpurr are going on a hunting patrol" Leopardfreckle smiled broadly, she thanked Starclan for granting her daughter such compassionate and nice cats as friends. A loud cough from Leopardfreckle brought Tigermoth and Leopardfreckle out of their thoughts. |
β βΎShetan π1#NevaneelFan #92708 |
Posted 2023-05-05 13:44:12
As Sunblaze slowly but surely opened her eyes, she was greeted with the blinding rays of the oversized star above her, looking down at all of them, looking after all of them. She sometimes wondered if the Sun was her beloved deceased sister. Watching her every move. Watching as her sister got to live the life she never did. Watching her get scolded everyday by her parents for no reason at all, and sometimes even crying. But... where did she go during the night? She would sink below the trees and under the Earth. Beneath her own four paws. Replaced with a supernumerary of shrunken celestial bodies. Only to be seen the next sunrise. Sunblaze often found herself pondering these same two questions. She had no explanation for it, but somehow she was drawn to the Sun and the surrounding fire planets. Sun looked around her to check if there was anyone around. No one. She yawned and sat up feeling hungry. As she stood up to go hunt she couldn't help but notice that almost nobody was paying much attention to her. And she felt herself feeling a bit sad about it. She didn't know why though. It has always been like this. Her minding her own business just like everyone else. But today was an extra sad day for her. There was no reason for it other than her own mind playing tricks on her making it seem as though something bad was going to happen. She made her way out of the camp centre and down to the stream that separated their clan with the grasslands of another possible clan. (She's open to interact with anyone if u want) |
π¦ Owl π¦ #50056 |
Posted 2023-05-05 18:07:17
Littlepaw - MCA - Tom - Location: OutsideYeeessssss! And they were off!! ...Or so Littlepaw thought. The chestnut tabby had already eagerly sprinted some distance ahead of his mentor, his tail high and waving like a flag as he darted off. However, when she mentioned studying some herbs, he let out a small (and impatient) groan before promptly stopping in his tracks and backpedaling toward Swanstorm. But he wanted to explore! To adventure! Yet...he supposed learning could be fun, too. Sometimes, anyways. A small huff escaped his lips before the apprentice raised his chin triumphantly at his mentor's query. "Aw c'mon, at least give me a tough one!!" Littlepaw puffed out his chest, proud of his progress as such a young medicine cat apprentice. "Feverfew reduces fevers. Hey- why don't they just name them all like that? Don'tcha think it'd make everything easier? Like if it fixes bones, just name it 'Bonemender'. And if it gets rid of an infection, just call it 'Infectionoff'." See? This was why he needed to be a medicine cat! No wonder StarClan called upon him- they already knew of his secret talents as a namer-of-things. He seemed to dance on his paws for a while until Swanstorm began to take off at a quicker pace. Yeah, this was what he was talking about! Maybe she wanted to race while they were at it? Littlepaw was distracted by a blue jay as it called out in alarm and flew off at the sight of the mentor-apprentice duo. "Say, Ms. Mentor? Who do you think named all things? Is there some great medicine cat back in history who gave all the herbs their names? And how'd they figure out what was good and what was bad? Did they just let...force feed cats whatever and let 'em die?" |
![]() 20mia08 #18414 |
Posted 2023-05-08 06:21:54
Briarstorm - Warrior - they/them - Location: Cemp Center β€ Outside CampBriarstorm followed the deputy down to the lower level, seeing Sunpaw and hesitating for a moment. Eight moons and they still got flashbacks every now and again seeing their siblings. "Morning Sunpaw," They said to diffuse their own emotions, she was going to be on the hunt today anyways. They follow Minkpelt out the window, paws landing on the lush grass, getting taller with the season. They moved to an area with shorter grass and stretched out, enjoying the warm but humid air. The slight breeze carried the smell of dew and earth. More scents were already starting to fill their nose, and Briarstorm wondered what kind of prey they'd find more of today. Perhaps some squirrels and chipmunks. |
![]() Mae #77151 |
Posted 2023-05-15 10:55:44
Tigerblaze-warrior-she/her-location:outside camp Tigerblaze sat alone outside camp, the wind ruffled her fur as she kept watch, her ear flicked a few times as she heard the clan life behind her, she had been up all night, her thoughts were always bothering her ever since darktail died, it had been only 4 moons since his death but the clan had moved on, curlpaw was so angry at her and she didn't blame him, she knew riverfoot was glad to train the apprentice but it still made her feel...unsafe. the young warrior was not ready for what that apprentice was doing up until now. tigerblaze broke from her thoughts, she lifted her self up on all fours to stand. she turned to enter the camp, going up a level she walked to the apprentice den, she peeked her head in to see curlpaw sleeping. she backed up and turned to leave, the hard earth under her paws felt normal at this rate, she lived here since she was a kit, she missed her dad but that was the past, he must have been forgotten by the other cats, she went into the warriors den and laid down, she closed her eyes and waited for somecat to come get her for a patrol...maybe she could sleep long so she felt better. |
![]() star26 #119332 |
Posted 2023-05-15 10:57:30
Cactustail made his way through the forest with a mouse in his teeth. He jumped over logs and weaved through thickets of vines. As the old house came into view Cactustail picked up his pace. He trotted through the door and leapt up the stairs to the second floor. Dropping the mouse he nodded politely to the other cats and went over to where he slept. |
πSpiralRatπ #111296 |
Posted 2023-05-16 05:18:27
Riverfoot-warrior-he/him-location:second floor/warriors den the tom woke up with a start, his dream was blurry but he didn't want to see the details again, he got up and shook her fur out and he slid out the den, he knew that they had to go hunting, it was his job to feed the camp, he guessed he could let curlpaw sleep until he got back and then he would train his apprentice, riverfoot knew he was better at fishing then hunting land prey so he set off, he went down the steps of the old twoleg nest and went out the exit, he headed south where he knew the river was, he hoped the river was full of fish, he found a old twoleg thing that could hold the fish in it and he could fit at least 5 fish in it, depending on the size, he always heard the twolegs were dangers to the cats, riverfoot took from a trot to a center to sprinting, his paws carried him through the trees as if he were flying, he let his tail relax as he ran, his fur ruffled to the breeze, riverfoot jumped over rocks and branches and he ducked under large roots and bushes, he didn't know how much time had passed but he could see the river up ahead, he was almost there. |
![]() star26 #119332 |
Posted 2023-05-16 08:17:23
Tigermoth paused at her mothers coughing fit and grinned sympathetically 'Leopardfreckle are you okay?' Leopardfreckle smiled at her daughter and said she was fine, but the dust in the house was causing problems with her lungs. Tigermoth frowned and tried to stand up to comfort her mother, as she stood up her wound twinged but not as badly as it did before. Tigermoth smiled and loudly said 'Leopardfreckle my wound feels better!'. Leopardfreckle smiled at her excitable daughter and started to purr as Tigermoth groomed her shoulder. Tigermoth then realised she would probably be able to catch some fish for the elders if she left now, and maybe a few for the medicine cats. Before exiting the medicine cat den she gave up the nest she had been using for Leopardfreckle to ensure her mother was comfortable, and promised to return as soon as she was finished hunting. Tigermoth slowly crept down the stairs careful to not aggrevate her wound, and avoid the loose step. She made her way outside and smiled breathing in the fresh air. She could smell that the hunting patrol was nearby and didn't want to worry her clanmates with her injury, so she decided to do a solo hunt before joining everyone for a border patrol. Tigermoth leapt over the moss-coated rocks carefully noting if there where any herbs there to inform the medicine cats. The breeze gently shook her ginger and golden caliby fur as she continued to gently make her way to the lake. She could smell Riverfoot's scent as she got closer to the river and smiled excited to see another clanmate who enjoyed fishing. She made her way to the edge of the river and prepared herself to enter the cold water, she waded forward until the water was up to her hackles and then waited. She saw a silver fish approach her and waited until she struck out, a huge carp was in her mouth. The she grinned, well as much as she could grin with a giant fish in her mouth, before giving thanks to Starclan and gently placing the fish on some rocks near the side of the river. |
β βΎShetan π1#NevaneelFan #92708 |