After Dusk [Character Sheets][CLOSED]
Posted 2023-04-17 16:19:43 (edited)
Name || Age || 34 Moons Rank || Warrior Gender || Female // She-cat [She/Her] Orientation || Asexual Panromantic Appearance || A grey marbled Maine coon with a feathery tail that extends way beyond normal for a cat. Has forest green eyes. Personality || +Intelligent +Empathetic =Extrovert -High Maintenance -Finky Feathertail I is a soft-spoken cat who is quite intelligent for her age. She is wise beyond her moons and tries to offer advice/guidance for those who ask. She tries to be understanding of all her clan mates and see things from their point of view. Yet, she tends to be a little high maintenance, taking pride in caring for herself and her coat. She also has high standards and is quite finky with how things are done. She has yet to be given an apprentice but whoever ends up with her will have a gracious mentor with high standards. History || || Kit || Featherkit was born into Dewclan from a small litter of three including herself. She had two brothers who annoyed her to no end with their antics. Nonetheless, she did truly love them along with her parents. She enjoyed learning from the elders, picking up on their wisdom and trying to pass it onto her brothers. It never worked. || Apprentice || Upon six moons, she was given her new title of Featherpaw. She adored training under her mentor, a star pupil who went above and beyond with her duties. Even in her apprentice stage, she still found time to visit the elders den to gain more wisdom. She was an easy apprentice, always willing to listen to those older then herself and accept advice when given. She claims it's during this stage in her life that she gained a lot of her knowledge. || Warrior || Exactly on the dot of 12 moons, Featherpaw gained her Warrior name of Feathertail and took her vow of silence that night. She was thrilled to be apart of the clan, to finally prove that her training had paid off and it did. She was an excellent Warrior Family: Unnamed Parents [NPCs] Wing_____ [Brother; 34 Moons, Adoptable] Sparrow____ [Brother, 34 Moons, Adoptable] Other || |
xXRiceCrispyTreatsXx #113101 |
Posted 2023-04-18 07:27:29 (edited)
f2u credit Name: Rosefrost Age: 44 moons Rank: Queen [temporary] Gender: Molly [she/her] Orientation: Pansexual Appearance: Much like her littermate, Rosefrost takes up a slender physique and is typically very light-weight on her paws. The talented huntress's prey never stands a chance, for it can almost never hear her coming. She's a little stouter than her brother but carries the same powerful set of shoulders that provide her with well-aimed strikes and fluid movements. Her fur is short and sleek, always tidy, and never without a single tuft of fur out of its place...until recently, at least. Rosefrost's fur is very soft to the touch but has a thick consistency that keeps her warm during the colder moons. She is a tortoiseshell point, carrying the similar ginger patches of her brother along with the seal point of her father. This makes for a unique dappled coat, symbolic of sunshine streaming through forest leaves. Her eyes are dark blue. Personality: +++ Admirable, patient, mature, supportive // Maternal, confident --- Brittle, gullible, trusting, predictable Rosefrost is a good role model to her clanmates. She's the type of brave and capable warrior that kittens dream of being like when they grow up, and the type of cat apprentices pray they receive as a mentor. Not only is Rosefrost a skilled huntress, but she's a dutiful warrior as well. She's responsible and can be trusted with whatever task one might have in mind. She's very confident in her abilities, something that helps her thrive as a warrior of DewClan, but something that can also be a fault. Her confidence tends to make her a tad impulsive, having too much faith in her own abilities and eagerly taking on something that might be more than she can handle. However, Rosefrost is also a gullible cat. While she might seem confident and seem capable in the eyes of others, she tends to put too much faith in the words of others. She's also a cat of routine lifestyle and tendencies. Rosefrost's behavior is very predictable, making her lifestyle dull in the eyes of others. This can also make her vulnerable to the enemy, as she's easy to read. However, Rosefrost has her patient behavior on her side. She's willing to wait things out and suffer through thick and thin to successfully get the long-awaited end result. This trait might just be what makes her such a successful hunter. Yet, she's brittle. She might just be the most supportive cat in DewClan, but it's easy to make the warrior crumble and falter. While her approach to others is kind and gentle, taking advantage of Rosefrost is quite easy, and clearly something that's happened before. She can be sensitive and falter when situations become too much for her to handle. Although she does her best to quickly recover, emotional damage is one of her greatest weaknesses. Rosefrost wears her heart on her sleeve, and unfortunately, there are cats out there who are willing to break it. History: Rosefrost earned her suffix in honor of her hunting abilities and dedication toward work. It wasn't uncommon for her to rise before the rest, eagerly volunteering for the dawn hunting patrol and setting out before the frost thawed on the grass. At a young age, the mighty warrior earned an impressive reputation. She was a skilled hunter, perhaps one of the most promising youngsters the senior warriors had seen in a long time. Rosefrost seemed to almost never miss her target when she set out and identified her next prey. However, she wasn't just a great hunter- she was a good sister as well. She'd always been empathetic and sensitive towards her brother, often in tune with his emotions and understanding of his anxious tendencies. Rosefrost often aimed to intervene before this habit got the best of her brother, electing to distract him with hunting or sibling games. She understood that Cherrynose was having a hard time with his new apprentice, Briarpaw. She reassured him that, with time, the apprentice would change. Briarpaw was just an adolescent, after all- they all went through that rough patch. She offered her brother solace when he was promoted to deputy and whenever the stress of the duties became too overwhelming. She was his escape to childhood, his moment of bliss and freedom from whatever pressures clan society had placed upon his shoulders. Rosefrost thrived as a sister and as a warrior. Life seemed...perfect. Palestar vanished, and Cherrystar slowly took over the mantle of DewClan. Rosefrost eagerly offered her support and kindness as his sister, but before long, the mighty huntress found herself being...distracted. A loner had joined their ranks by the name of "Diesel". He was slick in the eyes of most, but Rosefrost was too eager to dump her trust into him. He was charming and incredibly moving with his words. She quickly began to fall for him when she was around 40 moons old. Diesel frequently left camp on his own. Rosefrost assumed his little breaks were because he'd spent most of his life as a loner, and perhaps clan life was a little too crowded for him. However, there came an evening when she caught him taking prey from the fresh-kill pile, and later herbs from the medicine cat den. Her heart was torn- she loved him dearly, but she couldn't have him harming her clan. He promised that it was just for a family member- they were sick, and they needed it. Once again, she blindly trusted him. Surely, he'd stop after his family member was better. Then, Swanstorm broke the news to Rosefrost: Rosefrost was carrying Diesel's kits. They weren't officially mates, but surely they'd cross that bridge soon. She'd caught him leaving camp and secretly stole after him to surprise him and break the news of their expectancy. It was late in the evening, a peculiar time for him to leave, but perhaps he was just catching up with family? But when Rosefrost broke through the clearing, she found her heart-shattering. Diesel did have a family: a snark loner queen, who was his mate. All along, he'd been dishonest with Rosefrost. He'd been using her, and her clan. He had no use for her since he'd been found out, especially since she was pregnant. Diesel left the queen and left the clan. Rosefrost was broken but quickly began to grow fond of her unborn kittens. Even if their father was rotten, she'd love and cherish them dearly. Her mother, Adderstripe, reassured Rosefrost that she'd find a new mate eventually, who'd love her for who she was. There was plenty of fish in the sea, even if her current litter had a different (and absent) father. There was someone out there who was perfect for her. She spent every day in the nursery silently awaiting the arrival of her litter. As her due date neared, her excitement grew. Rosefrost, with the help of her dear brother, had already picked out the perfect names: Applekit, Blossomkit, Beekit, Nectarkit...even without Diesel around, everything felt perfect. Except, it wasn't. It's been a moon and a half into her pregnancy, and Rosefrost has fallen ill. A recent visit to Swanstorm has informed Rosefrost that she's lost her unborn litter. Her world has been shattered. The mighty huntress is currently recovering in the nursery from the mental and physical trauma she's enduring. Family: Mother: Adderstripe (70 moons, NPC) Father: Honeytail (76 moons, NPC) Brother: Cherrystar (44 moons, Mae) Other: N/A |
![]() 20mia08 #18414 |
Posted 2023-04-19 06:04:14 (edited)
Age: 1 moon Gender:she/her Sexuality: bisexual Appearance: pure black kitten with white eyes appearance " loner" (as much as you can be in a clan) anger issues, dark past so she's aggressive, kind when knows you very well, can sometimes tell if you're hiding something by looking you directly in the eyes History: [Full or Point] no one knows where she came from she doesn't know herself all she remembered was looking at something, and standing in the middle of a thunderpath, and when she turned her head she saw a red monster going right towards her and she froze she was only a kit, and it was coming closer, and closer, then she just plopped dead on the floor (she's playing dead)but it came and it ran over her leg causing it to fly off and as soon as the monster disappeared she dashed out off it but then fainted of blood loss and was found by a clan cat She had family but she barely remembers them Other: she doesn't have a fourth leg, only three Dusk |
Dussa #113174 |
Posted 2023-04-20 14:29:50 (edited)
Age: 24.5 moons Rank: Warrior Gender: Female (she/her) Orientation: Lesbian Appearance: link Personality: + Friendly (to those she trusts) + Honest and trustworthy / Always seems to be a little distracted - Doesn't trust others easily - Very defensive, quick to attack History: As a young kitten, Yarrowclaw shunned Cloudkit for being the runt of the litter. Frostkit was always nice to Cloudkit, and always tried to make her sister feel better when their mother was mean. Briarkit, the favorite, caught on and started bullying his sisters. Sick of it all, Frostkit, now Frostpaw, left the clan, became a rogue, and took on the name Cookie. Cloudpaw was left alone. Family: Yarrowclaw (mother, now deceased) Daisyfoot (father, now deceased) Cookie (littermate, born as Frostkit, left the clan) and Briarsong (littermate, obnoxious tom who bullies her a lot) Other: Ummm can't think of anything |
![]() Firew♥lfie | Beach Gay™ #115961 |
Posted 2023-04-20 18:26:37 (edited)
![]() Name: Fennelpurr Age: 22 moons Rank: Warrior Gender: Non-Binary [He/They] Orientation: Queer Appearance: A medium-sized longhaired cream tabby who has no hearing in their left ear. He reflects a similar stature and build to Poppyeyes, their brother. Noticeable differences are found in Fennelpurr's softer features, such as his round downturned pale-green eyes, and their fluffy coat being the slightest shade lighter. Personality: [+] Benevolent, Gentle, Patient [=] Soft-spoken, Selfless [-] Escapist, Repressed, Self-critical A good-natured soul who would never hurt anyone intentionally. Fennelpurr's brain is wired to put others first before themselves. He loves others even if they don't love them back, but what was there to hate? With innocent purrs and the tenderness of their eyes, it was their special charm. Though not everything was what it seemed. Turns out the young warrior struggles a lot with his self image and negative self talk, unbeknownst to the clan. They are constantly in battles with their own head, so in order to cope they've created an imaginary exit. Leaving to places that no other cat can reach them, his daydreams. It allowed them to be whoever he wanted to be, and do the things he could never do in real life, no matter how much they wanted to. No fear, no judgement, a perfect utopia. Others have just mistaken them for a chronic sleeper. Fennelpurr has no intentions of correcting them or at the very least, letting anyone inside his mind. History: The miracle kits of Shellclaw and Firelily, grew up to be amazing warriors of Dewclan despite the odds put against them, earning their names Poppyeyes and Fennelpurr respectfully. In contrast to their brother's bold personality, Fennelpurr was always known to be the calmer sibling or as the elders liked to put it, "the tolerable one." Their voice was a natural talent that everyone in the clan loved engaging conversation with, and he was more than willing to engage back even if he was hard of hearing. This in hindsight was especially what made him so popular with the elders. Being deaf in one ear connects them with cats who are starting to lose their hearing. He helps them navigate the world in the same light he always knew how to. All the while, spending their days listening to stories of the past and gaining insight on all different types of perspectives. Fennelpurr grew to be much more openminded because of this, making him a well cherished cat throughout all clanmates. However, their reputation of being happy and mellow all the time was far from the reality of it. Truthfully, it posed a daily battle getting ready for the day, or even getting up at all. Their inside voice was screaming for help, and yet the real words coming out of his mouth betrayed him and said that they were fine. They didn't know how to listen to themself. He didn't know how to navigate though his own emotions. It was hard. It's as if he was always there for others to lean on, but nobody was there for when it came to them. They dealt with this mangled mindset ever since entering their apprenticeship. Eventually, it just felt normal to feel this way. Through all challenges both physical and hidden, Fennelpurr still tries their very best each and every day for the sake of Dewclan. The only thing that matters to them is keeping his loved ones safe. Shellclaw [Father, Deceased] Firelily [Mother, Deceased] Poppyeyes [Sibling, 22 moons, played by Mayfly] Other: Adopted from Mayfly ![]() Name: Berrypaw Age: 8 moons Rank: Apprentice Gender: She-Cat [She/Her] Orientation: TBD Appearance: A petite shorthaired young she-cat with a tricolor coat pattern consisting of mainly black and white, with specks and splotches of ginger throughout. Her nose and paw pads are uniformly black, except for the left hind leg which is colored dusty pink. Her eyes are a piercing light green color that most notably glow at night. Personality: [+] Obedient, Focused [=} Preoccupied [-] Inscrutable, Complacent Berrypaw is hard one to read. Ever since she became an apprentice, jokes no longer make her laugh and every step she takes must have a purpose. Her rigid attitude makes it hard to connect with other cats outside of her family. She just doesn't see the purpose in making new relationships when the only cats she ever cared for already give her all the love and attention she could ever ask for, why waste the time? She firmly believes her energy would be better spent becoming the best warrior she could possibly be. She wasn't always like this, as a kit she was filled with normal young wonder and innocence. It wasn't until Dewclan's previous leader, Palestar, went missing. It was the first time she saw not only her parents panic, but the entire clan in complete dismay. It was a long period of uncertainty that forever altered Berrypaw's outlook on reality; a world that takes without asking permission. History: Life was as it should be for Berrypaw. Born into the clan with a loving mother and father who heavily adored both her and her sister, Sunpaw. The two sisters never fell short of their parent's attention. They were always being checked up on and cared for, protecting them from anything that might cause them harm. She was grateful for everything they provided and never complained. Their parents vowed that nothing bad would ever get to them as along as they were alive, it went as far as trapping them on the third level of the camp for most of their life. It all seemed reasonable to Berrypaw, what she couldn't wrap her head around was how the rest of the clan viewed her parents as being "overprotective" or how Sunpaw always defied them so much so that it started to look intentional. No matter what anyone had to say, Berrypaw didn't let this get to her. She knew that all their actions came from a place of love even if they were extreme. She had full trust in them that she truthfully believed that they could do no wrong. This however would sometimes get her in hot water with her sister. They didn't see eye-to-eye on most things, but regardless, her love for Sunpaw was too precious to be mad at her for long. She fears the day she'll have to chose between her sister or their parents. Growing up and being there for most of her sister's scolding, one day she overheard a conversation with their father involving the name Briarstorm. Not admittedly, this peaked Berrypaw's interest with how cross Firestalk's face turned. She couldn't shake off the inkling that maybe...there was more to her sheltered life than she knew. Firestalk [Father, 68 moons, NPC] Darkcloud [Mother, 69 moons, NPC] Sunpaw [Sibling, 8 moons, played by Alcarie] Briarstorm [Sibling, 31 moons, played by Mae] Other: Adopted from Mae |
![]() edendeer #119261 |
Posted 2023-04-24 08:22:03 (edited)
Age- 10 Moons Rank -Apprentice, Mentor TBD Gender- Agender [They/Them] (AFAB) Orientation- Androromantic Demisexual Apperence Sharppaw's most notable feature is their fur being very curly, and while it's cute it also means their pelt is not dense at all and winter sucks. Wide orange eyes flecked with green are always glancing around, as the apprentice is an avid sentenial of the clans camp. They have lovely lilac fur with white spotting. The reason for their name, Sharp, comes from the fact that one of their canines is significantly longer than the other and pokes out on the left side of their maw. Personality + Keen, Loyal, Calm / Quiet, Strange - Inpersonable, Indecisive, Blunt History However while they may be silent on the outside, internally the jack is always thinking. What does that tone mean? Why is Briarstorm looking at me? What does their facial expression mean? Minkpelt seems to have a lit at the end of her sentences. Does that mean she's in a good mood? Sharppaw wants to talk and make friends but all the unspoken social rules get to them too easily. Relationships Silksong- Adopted father, deceased Palecoral- Aunt, NPC Cousin- Minkpelt Other- Sharppaw is autistic and their difficulties with socal interactions is very much based off of a younger Mayfly <3 |
![]() ☀️🦦Mayfly🦦 ☀️ #94853 |
Posted 2023-05-01 16:41:54 (edited)
![]() Name: SunBlaze Age: 15 moons Rank: Warrior Gender: Female [She/Her] Orientation: Straight Appearance: Dark orange she-cat with darker orange bengal markings and seafoam turquoise eyes Personality: + Respectful, Smart, Kind, Wise // Talkative, Funny - Hotheaded, Distracted easily, Slightly depressed History: Family: Mother: Not Present Father: Not Present Siblings: Firekit (with starclan) Other: Hey 😏 |
🦉 Owl 🦉 #50056 |
Posted 2023-05-03 06:50:12 (edited)
Name: Cactustail Age: 24 moons (2 years) Rank: Warrior Gender: [+ pronouns] gender fluid (he/him, she/her) Orientation: [optional] Appearance: Personality: [two positive, one neutral, two negative minimum] + Intelligent + Funny // Alert — Headstrong — Overconfident History: At a young age Cactustail's whole family went to war leaving him alone. They lost, and were taken prisoner. A year later he found out they were all dead except for his father and his two siblings. Since then, he's been trying to keep busy and distracted so he can't dwell on the sadness. She hopes to find a parter to help heal the hole in her heart. Family: [optional] Mother - Moonshadow, deceased Father - Fireye, different clan Other: |
🐀SpiralRat🐀 #111296 |
Posted 2023-05-08 13:12:19 (edited)
Age: 32 moons Rank: Warrior Gender: [+ pronouns] She/her- Female Orientation: [optional] Straight Appearance: Ragdoll. Small for her age. ![]() Personality: [two positive, one neutral, two negative minimum] Positive: Kind, and smart. Neutral: Bouncy, and talkative. Negative: Rude, and selfish. History: [Full or Point] Was found abandoned by her parents on the Clan territory. Family: [optional] none Other: |
![]() Wishes~Glow #111522 |
Posted 2023-05-10 05:47:45 (edited)
![]() Name:tigerblaze Age:15 moons Rank:warrior Gender:she she/her Orientation:bisexual Personality:tigerblaze is a sweet she-cat but when she has the chance she can become violent, she can be gentle as well for she loves kits, she will kill anyone who harms kits. info:tigerblaze is a loyal warrior but she is seen another way due to her family history, she is seen as a ruthless and evil but when she is seen with kits everycat can trust her. when she was younger she let her past take over, when curlpaw was a kit she didnt want anything to do with him, when he became a apprentice she tried to say sorry but he didnt want to hear anything from her, she is forever guilty for her acts of taking care of him. her fathers father adderstar made clan life bad but he was soon killed by his mates, tigerblaze wishes she wasnt part of this history but she ignores it and tries to show the clan shes more then just bad, shes loyal. Family:adderwhisker (dad, dead) addterstar (dead granddad) morningsong (mother, dead) |
![]() star26 #119332 |