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🎁 Data on Standard VS Winner Take All Raffles

🎁 Data on Standard VS Winner Take All Raffles
Posted 2023-04-12 14:24:45
For comparison I ran these raffles at the same time. Both had 7 squirrel carcass decors. One was winner take all, and one was standard. I let at least 1-2 hours pass in between bumping them so that they were never on the front page at the same time. Both were bumped an equal number of times. The titles were identical except for the number of exclamation points (!!! For WTA, ! for standard). Ticket items and values were identical. Results:

Winner Take All: 32 participants. 13,005 tickets bought (65 SC and 106 items).
Standard: 38 participants. 15,988 tickets bought (33 SC and 140 items).

Other observations- The same person won the WTA and one of the standard, a good reminder that you lose 100% of the raffles you don't enter.

🍂 Leonca 🐆

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