The Nightfall Prowlers
den CSS is broken for now, whoops... sorry about that

Welcome to the Nightfall Prowlers.
Welcome to the Nightfall Prowlers.
Events & News
Events [Wishlist!]
Medicine, especially cure-for-alls & healing salves!
Trophies, especially ones used for crafting such as caribou, badger, fox, etc! ^^
Lucky Feet!
Decor, including custom + backgrounds!
Herbs (Especially charcoal/dandelions!!)
High-value items (Such as applicators, sages, poses, grove items, etc) are really appreciated but not a necessity ofc!!
Honestly anything is appreciated <3 tysm!!
Players Gifted: 100/100 Achievement Earnt on the first day of event! Whoop whoop! :3
Gifts Recieved: 63/100
Pack News
Lyretail has taken the leader role after Cherub's passing!
Events [Wishlist!]
Medicine, especially cure-for-alls & healing salves!
Trophies, especially ones used for crafting such as caribou, badger, fox, etc! ^^
Lucky Feet!
Decor, including custom + backgrounds!
Herbs (Especially charcoal/dandelions!!)
High-value items (Such as applicators, sages, poses, grove items, etc) are really appreciated but not a necessity ofc!!
Honestly anything is appreciated <3 tysm!!
Gifts Recieved: 63/100
Pack News
Lyretail has taken the leader role after Cherub's passing!
Pack Key
⭐ = Friendly
💕 = Romantic
🌙 = Stoic
🔥 = Aggressive
🦅 = Scout
🌿 = Herbalist
🌕 = Blessed
👑 = Lead's Child [Past or Present]
🦌 = Hunter/Prowler
📖 = Mentor
🍼 = Pupsitter
✨ = Special
👀 = Eyes
⭐ = Friendly
💕 = Romantic
🌙 = Stoic
🔥 = Aggressive
🦅 = Scout
🌿 = Herbalist
🌕 = Blessed
👑 = Lead's Child [Past or Present]
🦌 = Hunter/Prowler
📖 = Mentor
🍼 = Pupsitter
✨ = Special
👀 = Eyes
Pack Art
Scrollable + Expandable!
my pack currently has no art! ^^
Scrollable + Expandable!
my pack currently has no art! ^^
Caves & Territory
Scout's & Herbalist's Lodge
A small yet cosy den that houses the Scouts, Herbalist, and any of their packmates that they choose to be in there, it may also house future pack leaders. Contains trophies scattered around the den, most hanging from the ceiling, and a shelf filled with herbs as well as tools to mix medicines and some of the medicines themself. There is more of an abundance of feathers in the nests in this den, the nests are also lined nicely with covered bones. If the leader can carry puppies their puppies will also be looked after in here whilst they are weaned rather than in the nursery.
The Blessed's Cave
A spacious yet cosy den lined with black animal pelts and black feathers. This den houses those who have been blessed by the leader of the pack. This den is also filled with trophies and items related to a wolf's achievements in their life and gifts for wolves who may pass in the coming days. In the ceiling of the roof there is a hole where moonlight will directly hit the cave. Any achievement or gift items in this den will be buried alongside this wolf and will be carried by them within the afterlife.
Prowler's Post
A small cave dedicated to those who feed the pack, it also happens to be where the prey is stored outside of and where a small creek runs so the pack can keep hydrated. It only has the bare minimum in there as the hunters would much rather be out hunting for the pack or talking to packmates than inside the den, yet the nests are rather comfy and there are bones and remains such as pelts of successful past hunts.
The Comfy Cave
This cave is where wolves without roles (or have temporary roles) and possible travellers reside, this is the largest cave in the pack. This cave is filled with the softest of pelts from Glacier animals, underneath these pelts is moss that give the den a cushiony feel, like walking on a cloud! This is where most wolves will spend their free time, hence why it's made sure that this den would be so cosy.
Training Hollow
The Training Hollow is a large crevice in the ground just next to the cosy cave, covered by the shelter of some dense bushes. A cave entrance pokes out at the end of the Hollow, leading down to a burrow where the apprentices and mentors may sleep. Whilst this cave isn't the comfiest or most spacious, it is made sure that this space is only for sleeping, and that mentors can still have a cosy sleeping area, with their nests in the cave often having the most moss and fur in it.
A cushioned cave filled with amusement and everything in order to keep any puppiess happy and playful. This is where most of the pupsitters, parents, and puppies may stay until they're old enough, pupsitters will often retire to being a Blessed from seven years to seven years six months and puppies will leave this cave once they hit 6 months of age. The edges of this cave are lined with soft leaves and shrubs plus feathers rather than keeping the harsh rock walls that other caves may have.
Quarantine Cave
A tiny den behind the herbalist and scout's lodge made from sticks and stones. The nests are pure moss. Wolves who are suffering from any contagious or lethal illness with temporarily reside here for a few hours or a day at most to be treated as soon as possible by the herbalist. Backup herbs and medicine are stored here.
Exile Post
A small den covered by shrubbery where wolves wait for their departure from the pack. Puppies must still be protected by the pupsitters and adults that may stay in this den.
Territory (Glacier)
The Nightfall Prowlers live in a cold and dark forest within the Glacier, which is just on the outskirts of all the icecaps. The Glacier around The Nightfall Prowler's home gets more icy around where the Training Hollow ends.
Scout's & Herbalist's Lodge
A small yet cosy den that houses the Scouts, Herbalist, and any of their packmates that they choose to be in there, it may also house future pack leaders. Contains trophies scattered around the den, most hanging from the ceiling, and a shelf filled with herbs as well as tools to mix medicines and some of the medicines themself. There is more of an abundance of feathers in the nests in this den, the nests are also lined nicely with covered bones. If the leader can carry puppies their puppies will also be looked after in here whilst they are weaned rather than in the nursery.
The Blessed's Cave
A spacious yet cosy den lined with black animal pelts and black feathers. This den houses those who have been blessed by the leader of the pack. This den is also filled with trophies and items related to a wolf's achievements in their life and gifts for wolves who may pass in the coming days. In the ceiling of the roof there is a hole where moonlight will directly hit the cave. Any achievement or gift items in this den will be buried alongside this wolf and will be carried by them within the afterlife.
Prowler's Post
A small cave dedicated to those who feed the pack, it also happens to be where the prey is stored outside of and where a small creek runs so the pack can keep hydrated. It only has the bare minimum in there as the hunters would much rather be out hunting for the pack or talking to packmates than inside the den, yet the nests are rather comfy and there are bones and remains such as pelts of successful past hunts.
The Comfy Cave
This cave is where wolves without roles (or have temporary roles) and possible travellers reside, this is the largest cave in the pack. This cave is filled with the softest of pelts from Glacier animals, underneath these pelts is moss that give the den a cushiony feel, like walking on a cloud! This is where most wolves will spend their free time, hence why it's made sure that this den would be so cosy.
Training Hollow
The Training Hollow is a large crevice in the ground just next to the cosy cave, covered by the shelter of some dense bushes. A cave entrance pokes out at the end of the Hollow, leading down to a burrow where the apprentices and mentors may sleep. Whilst this cave isn't the comfiest or most spacious, it is made sure that this space is only for sleeping, and that mentors can still have a cosy sleeping area, with their nests in the cave often having the most moss and fur in it.
A cushioned cave filled with amusement and everything in order to keep any puppiess happy and playful. This is where most of the pupsitters, parents, and puppies may stay until they're old enough, pupsitters will often retire to being a Blessed from seven years to seven years six months and puppies will leave this cave once they hit 6 months of age. The edges of this cave are lined with soft leaves and shrubs plus feathers rather than keeping the harsh rock walls that other caves may have.
Quarantine Cave
A tiny den behind the herbalist and scout's lodge made from sticks and stones. The nests are pure moss. Wolves who are suffering from any contagious or lethal illness with temporarily reside here for a few hours or a day at most to be treated as soon as possible by the herbalist. Backup herbs and medicine are stored here.
Exile Post
A small den covered by shrubbery where wolves wait for their departure from the pack. Puppies must still be protected by the pupsitters and adults that may stay in this den.
Territory (Glacier)
The Nightfall Prowlers live in a cold and dark forest within the Glacier, which is just on the outskirts of all the icecaps. The Glacier around The Nightfall Prowler's home gets more icy around where the Training Hollow ends.
Pack Roles
A leader of the pack is tasked with protecting it's pack members, patrolling the territory, and ridding the territory of any potential threats. They may also bring back food for the pack if they have scavenged enough or they may bring back amusement as well! They sort through the caves, make sure everyone's in line, and make sure Exile Post wolves make it to their final destination safely.
Leaders must have a darkly coloured pelt in order to blend into the night, though their pelt does not have to be fully black.
When a wolf is to become leader they must sleep beneath the moonlight on a surface of stone, making sure no trees or any other kinds of shrub interrupts the moonlight seeping into their pelt. Once a leader wakes up they will be granted a star-shaped marking on their forehead to see if the moon thinks they are worthy. If a wolf has a full black pelt covering their features they will already be considered blessed by the night from birth and will therefore never receive a marking from the moon to preserve their gorgeous coat.
The Herbalist is a wolf in charge of looking after sick packmates, treating the pack's wounds, and mixing up medicine with the herbs they may have found upon the way. They must also be blessed by the moon since the pack must trust them with their lives, yet the moon will never grant them with any marks. Their paws are skilled and will always be appreciated within their pack. Once a Herbalist turns 6 years they must mentor a successor and have them take over as soon as they have fully grown.
The Scouts are a pair of wolves which work together to explore the nearby territories and keep the pack happy through finding any amusement from their neighbouring territories. Scouts are brave and often have connections to eachother or the Leader in some way, such as being mates, related, or raised together since birth. They are expected to be strong and one Scout will very often sire most the current generation's puppiess within the pack.
The Blessed (Pack Exclusive Role)
The Blessed are a group of wolves who the leader has been chosen to be blessed by the moon, yet will never receive a mark from the moon either. These are wolves that show or carry mutations, especially melanism, as it is believed that melanistic pelts are blessed by the night from birth. Blind wolves are also favoured here, as their eyes can be described to look similarly to the moon itself. A wolf will also be blessed no matter if they are between 7 years and 7 years and 5.5 months, just before they start passing away, they will be gifted an accessory to wear and be buried with so it will be with them in the afterlife and their achievements in their pack life will be celebrated before they pass on.
Lead's Child (Pack Exclusive 'Role')
An unofficial role, being more of a rank or status than role itself. These wolves are the children (Including adopted) of any past or present leader.
Prowlers (Hunters)
The Prowlers are a large group of wolves which will supply the pack with food and make sure every member is kept fed and well. These members of the pack are considered a medium to high rank, as they have a lot of responsibilities! Hunters are very often the smartest, strongest, or most agile and speedy wolves in the pack, as hunting in such a slippery and diverse area where prey scents can often be carried away by the wind is a tough feat!
Mentors are pack members that supply the future generations with the knowledge that they have learnt through their time in the pack. These wolves have served their purpose and role and are very often close to passing away, yet they still help out the pack by making sure their strength and smartness does not die with them.
Pupsitters are the wolves that are tasked with protecting the young of the pack, some pupsitters even choosing to protect around 10 puppies at a time! Without them the pack's young would pass fairly often, these wolves are experienced in caring for puppies and will always do their best to keep them protected and safe.
No Role (Adults)
Whilst technically not a role, rather a lack of role, these wolves do not tend to the pack in anyway and will often stay inside socialising, yet they are allowed to explore the territory and most will often breed and have pups, so they do pull their weight somewhere!
Apprentices (Adolescents)
Apprentices are young wolves between the ages of 6 months and 11.5 months who still have a lot left to learn and therefore they will very often join other roles in their ventures! Though the apprentices that are soon going to leave from the Exile Post will just stay and relax until their stay is over - unless they will be joining another pack!
Puppies are the pack's youngest members, these little guys will be protected by a pupsitter and trained by a mentor ready for their apprenticeship! These members of the pack are not allowed out of the den unless accompanied by a high rank, their parents, a pupsitter, or mentor, as the world can be a harsh place to such little creatures!
A leader of the pack is tasked with protecting it's pack members, patrolling the territory, and ridding the territory of any potential threats. They may also bring back food for the pack if they have scavenged enough or they may bring back amusement as well! They sort through the caves, make sure everyone's in line, and make sure Exile Post wolves make it to their final destination safely.
Leaders must have a darkly coloured pelt in order to blend into the night, though their pelt does not have to be fully black.
When a wolf is to become leader they must sleep beneath the moonlight on a surface of stone, making sure no trees or any other kinds of shrub interrupts the moonlight seeping into their pelt. Once a leader wakes up they will be granted a star-shaped marking on their forehead to see if the moon thinks they are worthy. If a wolf has a full black pelt covering their features they will already be considered blessed by the night from birth and will therefore never receive a marking from the moon to preserve their gorgeous coat.
The Herbalist is a wolf in charge of looking after sick packmates, treating the pack's wounds, and mixing up medicine with the herbs they may have found upon the way. They must also be blessed by the moon since the pack must trust them with their lives, yet the moon will never grant them with any marks. Their paws are skilled and will always be appreciated within their pack. Once a Herbalist turns 6 years they must mentor a successor and have them take over as soon as they have fully grown.
The Scouts are a pair of wolves which work together to explore the nearby territories and keep the pack happy through finding any amusement from their neighbouring territories. Scouts are brave and often have connections to eachother or the Leader in some way, such as being mates, related, or raised together since birth. They are expected to be strong and one Scout will very often sire most the current generation's puppiess within the pack.
The Blessed (Pack Exclusive Role)
The Blessed are a group of wolves who the leader has been chosen to be blessed by the moon, yet will never receive a mark from the moon either. These are wolves that show or carry mutations, especially melanism, as it is believed that melanistic pelts are blessed by the night from birth. Blind wolves are also favoured here, as their eyes can be described to look similarly to the moon itself. A wolf will also be blessed no matter if they are between 7 years and 7 years and 5.5 months, just before they start passing away, they will be gifted an accessory to wear and be buried with so it will be with them in the afterlife and their achievements in their pack life will be celebrated before they pass on.
Lead's Child (Pack Exclusive 'Role')
An unofficial role, being more of a rank or status than role itself. These wolves are the children (Including adopted) of any past or present leader.
Prowlers (Hunters)
The Prowlers are a large group of wolves which will supply the pack with food and make sure every member is kept fed and well. These members of the pack are considered a medium to high rank, as they have a lot of responsibilities! Hunters are very often the smartest, strongest, or most agile and speedy wolves in the pack, as hunting in such a slippery and diverse area where prey scents can often be carried away by the wind is a tough feat!
Mentors are pack members that supply the future generations with the knowledge that they have learnt through their time in the pack. These wolves have served their purpose and role and are very often close to passing away, yet they still help out the pack by making sure their strength and smartness does not die with them.
Pupsitters are the wolves that are tasked with protecting the young of the pack, some pupsitters even choosing to protect around 10 puppies at a time! Without them the pack's young would pass fairly often, these wolves are experienced in caring for puppies and will always do their best to keep them protected and safe.
No Role (Adults)
Whilst technically not a role, rather a lack of role, these wolves do not tend to the pack in anyway and will often stay inside socialising, yet they are allowed to explore the territory and most will often breed and have pups, so they do pull their weight somewhere!
Apprentices (Adolescents)
Apprentices are young wolves between the ages of 6 months and 11.5 months who still have a lot left to learn and therefore they will very often join other roles in their ventures! Though the apprentices that are soon going to leave from the Exile Post will just stay and relax until their stay is over - unless they will be joining another pack!
Puppies are the pack's youngest members, these little guys will be protected by a pupsitter and trained by a mentor ready for their apprenticeship! These members of the pack are not allowed out of the den unless accompanied by a high rank, their parents, a pupsitter, or mentor, as the world can be a harsh place to such little creatures!
Pack Lore
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Nothing here yet!
Scrollable + Expandable!
Nothing here yet!
Pack Leader Lyretail | ||||||||||||