🍂If you'd like to adopt a pup check out my Adoption Page!
[Currently Closed]
🍂Saga's Natural Pup Adoption Den🍂
Any pups named Chase [Not R+C] are free. Just shoot me a Pm with the pup's link!
Pack Stuff:
Hunting Party 1:
Stalker: Joto.
Starting: 87(Wis) & 87(Sm)
Now-ish: 317+(Wis) & 302+(Sm) at lvl 15.
Chaser: Dumai.
Starting: 129(Sp) & 127(Ag).
Now-ish: 354+(Sp) & 352+ (Ag) at lvl 15.
Chaser: Tamsa.
Starting: 152(Sp) & 154(Ag).
Now-ish: 391+(Sp) & 382+(Ag) lvl 15.
Chaser: Thei
Starting: 161(Sp) & 160(Ag).
Now-ish: 403+(Sp) & 397+(Ag). lvl 15.
Finisher: Fahali.
Starting: 80(Str)
Now-ish: 419+(Str) lvl 15.
Hunting Party 2:
Stalker: Zemin.
Starting: 135(Wis) & 143(Sm).
Now-ish: 368+(Wis) & 356+(Sm) at lvl 15.
Chaser: Lazios.
Starting: 97(Sp) & 105(Ag).
Now-ish: 132+(Sp) & 165+(Ag) at lvl 5.
Chaser: Tui
Starting: 159(Sp) & 171(Ag)
Now-ish: 411+(Sp) & 412+(Ag) at lvl 15.
Chaser: Oneiro
Starting: 128(Sp) & 134(Ag).
Now-ish: 374+(Sp) & 378+(Ag) at lvl 16.
Finisher: Elysian
Starting: 93(Str).
Now-ish: 412+(Str) at lvl 15.
Amount: 26.
Starting Highest Stats: 70(Wis) & 63(Sm).
Now-ish: 86 & 73 at lvl 5.
Replaceable: no.
Possible Hunter: no.
Starting Highest Stats: 73(Ag) & 79(Wis).
Now-ish: 111 & 89 at lvl 4
Replaceable: maybe.
Possible Hunter: eh.
Starting Highest Stats: 42(Sp) & 41(Ag).
Now-ish: 50 & 63 lvl 4.
Replaceable: no.
Possible Hunter: no.
Starting Highest Stats: 71(Sp) & 67(Ag).
Now-ish: 109 & 101 lvl 4.
Replaceable: no.
Possible Hunter: yes.
Starting Highest Stats: 47(Str) & 59(Wis).
Now-ish: 79 & 97 lvl 4.
Replaceable: yes.
Possible Hunter: no.
Starting Highest Stats: 58(Ag) & 53(Wis).
Now-ish: 77 & 88 at lvl 4.
Replaceable: no.
Possible Hunter: no.
Starting Highest Stats: 50(Sp) & 41(Sm).
Now-ish: 85 & 72 at lvl 4.
Replaceable: no.
Possible Hunter: no.
Starting Highest Stats: 127(Sp) & 124(Ag).
Now-ish: 159 & 136 at lvl 4.
Replaceable: no.
Possible Hunter: Yes.
Starting Highest Stats: 54(Str) & 50(Sm).
Now-ish: 90 & 83 at lvl 4.
Replaceable: no.
Possible Hunter: no.
Starting Highest Stats: 60(Wis) & 69(Sm).
Now-ish: 76 & 104 at lvl 4.
Replaceable: no.
Possible Hunter: possibly.
Starting Highest Stats: 70(Ag) & 63(Sm).
Now-ish: 105 & 101 at lvl 4.
Replaceable: no.
Possible Hunter: mayybe.
Starting Highest Stats: 65(Sp) & 70(Ag).
Now-ish: 73 & 82 at lvl 4.
Replaceable: no.
Possible Hunter: eh.
Starting Highest Stats: 60(Sp) & 66(Sm).
Now-ish: 94 & 102 at lvl 4.
Replaceable: no.
Possible Hunter: eh.
Starting Highest Stats: unknown.
Now-ish: 58(Str) & 63(Sp) at lvl 6.
Replaceable no.
Possible Hunter: no.
Starting Highest Stats: 81(Sp) & 79(Ag).
Now-ish: 111 & 94 at lvl 4.
Replaceable: no.
Possible Hunter: maybe.
Starting Highest Stats: 75(Sp) & 79(Ag).
Now-ish: 114 & 113 at lvl 4.
Replaceable: no.
Possible Hunter: Yes.
Starting Highest Stats: 67(Ag) & 65(Sm).
Now-ish: 72 and 104 at lvl 4.
Replaceable: no.
Possible Hunter: no.
Starting Highest Stats: 61(Str) & 62(Sm).
Now-ish: 94 & 101 at lvl 4.
Replaceable: no.
Possible Hunter: no.
Starting Highest Stats: 72(Wis) & 69(Sm).
Now-ish: 84 & 80 at lvl 5.
Replaceable: no.
Possible Hunter: eh.
Starting Highest Stats: 97(Str) & 76(Ag).
Now-ish: 101 & 77 at lvl 2.
Replaceable: no.
Possible Hunter: Yes.
Starting Highest Stats: unknown.
Now-ish: 59(Str) & 65(Wis) at lvl 5.
Replaceable: no.
Possible Hunter: no.
Symbol Key:
Good pups
Bad pups
First gen wolves
Second gen wolves
🍁 Third gen wolves
high gen wolves, 4th and higher ⬅ (will change once the wolves have descendants)
Inbred wolves
Wolves that will be used to continue pack lines.
wolves that will not be used to continue pack lines.
🌟 TIII's
Wolves that are used to breed R+C TIIIs and TIII lines within the pack.
🎇 T*
☼ᛠᛠ☼ Siurk tribe.
◈ᛥᛥ◈ Krusa tribe.
ᕙᛉᛉᕗ Neveikia tribe.
⊹⊹ Chief
(Leader of that Tribe)
⊹☾☽⊹ Emperor or Empress.
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Lore Done For:
Queen ⊹☾Dalia☽⊹ | ||||||||||||