Madison Range Pack
Alphas -- female descendant of Riley, the original Alpha
Betas (Breeding Male) -- male descendant of Levi, the original Beta and Breeding Male
Herbalist -- mostly canonical descendants of Knight, the original Herbalist; WD family tree can be traced back to Iris, Knight's canonical granddaughter
Night stretches longer here in this frozen land than in the warmer regions. The ice and snow seems to cling to the limited sunlight even in the darkness; white surrounds you even though the moon is cloaked in clouds. If you look closely, once every now and then, a star peeks through the blanket of clouds covering the sky, before twinkling away into hiding once more. Were you in any other terrain, it would be a time to find a spot to rest, but here, there is none; you are exposed wherever you go, and so you must keep alert and keep walking. When a sliver of the moon has the chance to shine some light across the glimmering, silent landscape, it outlines glacial peaks not far in the distance. It's just enough to keep you oriented in the bland landscape, dark and bright all at the same time. Maybe, just maybe, those mountains hold shelter.
A clear, crisp voice jolts you out of your thoughts and you spin. Starkly outlined against the white snow and clearly ill-suited to a place like this, a jet-black figure approaches you. What looks to be dim, glowing, electric-blue paint is smeared across half her face, one shoulder, and her tail. A blue-glowing lantern in her mouth casts an eerie glow on her fur, scattering shadows across the smooth landscape. It's another wolf.
She comes closer until you can make out vivid blue eyes. Faintly, you can see leather strands of blue beads draped across her body, wrapped around her tail and legs. She looks a bit judgmental, you think, disapproving of something you've done. Before you have a chance to speak, she turns.
"Come," she orders. "We've no time to lose. If we hurry, we can make it to safety before the storm arrives. Unless you want to be buried in snow up to your neck, and never find your way to where you're going." She raises her nose to indicate the clouds above; the moon briefly plays at shining through, then hides again.
Then like that, the dark-furred stranger is off at a steady lope, and you find yourself following, with a wary discomfort settling somewhere in your stomach at her no-nonsense warning.
The stranger leads you closer to the mountains, but not in the exact same direction you had been travelling. She opts for some point just left of it that only she seems to be able to make out, and you simply have to trust that she knows what she's doing and follow the glow of her lantern. Neither of you speak; you don't have the breath, thanks to your quick pace, and she doesn't seem to have the time to stop and explain.
As you get closer and closer to the mountains, you begin to make out a soft glow from behind some rock formation, strange and blue like the lantern your guide carries. It seems that's where she's headed. And indeed, when you round the corner, there are other identical lanterns scattered around, and a pack of wolves all gathered in the little cove, apparently also seeking shelter from the storm. Your guide looks them over with an evaluating stare, and then turns to two white wolves. "Orion?" she asks.
"Returned just a few moments ago," answers the male, and your guide seems to relax.
"Orion?" you venture.
The black she-wolf turns to you with a sharp gaze. "Our herbalist," she explains. "He hadn't returned and I had gone out to find him to make sure he returned home safely before the storm."
Betas (Breeding Male) -- male descendant of Levi, the original Beta and Breeding Male
Herbalist -- mostly canonical descendants of Knight, the original Herbalist; WD family tree can be traced back to Iris, Knight's canonical granddaughter
Night stretches longer here in this frozen land than in the warmer regions. The ice and snow seems to cling to the limited sunlight even in the darkness; white surrounds you even though the moon is cloaked in clouds. If you look closely, once every now and then, a star peeks through the blanket of clouds covering the sky, before twinkling away into hiding once more. Were you in any other terrain, it would be a time to find a spot to rest, but here, there is none; you are exposed wherever you go, and so you must keep alert and keep walking. When a sliver of the moon has the chance to shine some light across the glimmering, silent landscape, it outlines glacial peaks not far in the distance. It's just enough to keep you oriented in the bland landscape, dark and bright all at the same time. Maybe, just maybe, those mountains hold shelter.
A clear, crisp voice jolts you out of your thoughts and you spin. Starkly outlined against the white snow and clearly ill-suited to a place like this, a jet-black figure approaches you. What looks to be dim, glowing, electric-blue paint is smeared across half her face, one shoulder, and her tail. A blue-glowing lantern in her mouth casts an eerie glow on her fur, scattering shadows across the smooth landscape. It's another wolf.
She comes closer until you can make out vivid blue eyes. Faintly, you can see leather strands of blue beads draped across her body, wrapped around her tail and legs. She looks a bit judgmental, you think, disapproving of something you've done. Before you have a chance to speak, she turns.
"Come," she orders. "We've no time to lose. If we hurry, we can make it to safety before the storm arrives. Unless you want to be buried in snow up to your neck, and never find your way to where you're going." She raises her nose to indicate the clouds above; the moon briefly plays at shining through, then hides again.
Then like that, the dark-furred stranger is off at a steady lope, and you find yourself following, with a wary discomfort settling somewhere in your stomach at her no-nonsense warning.
The stranger leads you closer to the mountains, but not in the exact same direction you had been travelling. She opts for some point just left of it that only she seems to be able to make out, and you simply have to trust that she knows what she's doing and follow the glow of her lantern. Neither of you speak; you don't have the breath, thanks to your quick pace, and she doesn't seem to have the time to stop and explain.
As you get closer and closer to the mountains, you begin to make out a soft glow from behind some rock formation, strange and blue like the lantern your guide carries. It seems that's where she's headed. And indeed, when you round the corner, there are other identical lanterns scattered around, and a pack of wolves all gathered in the little cove, apparently also seeking shelter from the storm. Your guide looks them over with an evaluating stare, and then turns to two white wolves. "Orion?" she asks.
"Returned just a few moments ago," answers the male, and your guide seems to relax.
"Orion?" you venture.
The black she-wolf turns to you with a sharp gaze. "Our herbalist," she explains. "He hadn't returned and I had gone out to find him to make sure he returned home safely before the storm."
Alpha Luma | ||||||||||||