Hounds of the Underworld
Excerpts from the Codex Umbra:
The Codex Umbra
Editor's Note:
This book was originally written in Primal Script, a logographic language derived from druidic runes that is utilized by awakened creatures who lack limbs capable of wielding writing utensils. It has been translated to common to befit general audiences.
Author's Note:
I would first like to thank whoever is reading this for your interest in my book! The book you are about to read explores one of the greatest mysteries of life: the end of it. Yes, I am referring to death.
This book is a compilation of everything I have learned in my many, many years as a herbalist, mortician, and familiar in service to a necromancer. As you read, you will learn about various creatures and organizations that pertain to death and unlife as well as my personal experience with them. You will also find information regarding various rituals, spells, curses, dweomers, and innate abilities that pertain to necromancy. Information about other supernatural creatures is also present, but I tend not to stray too far from the main subject of my book. Besides, you will find that the subject of death is quite expansive!
- Hecata of the Hounds of the Underworld

The Church of Hel
Pack Leader Barghest | ||||||||||||