The Wolves on the Blue Horizon
A wolf pack sings to that line in the distance where the sky and the land become one. They have traveled far and wide under the stars, the untouchable horizon always stretching out before and behind them. Now the steep mountainside shelters them from its faraway light. One day, when they have conquered these frozen slopes, they will finally reach the blue horizon.
- Leader: Shasta
- Sire:Ronin
- Herbalist: Amalia
- Hunters: Antero, Dorado, Bruin, Laika, Sierra, Hera, Sabine, Cypress, Ember, Grizzly, Goldfinch, Borealis, Mirage
- Scouts: Raccoon, Ronin
- Pupsitters: Alpine
- Mentor: none
- Apprentices: Basil, Tanzanite, Toki, Kratos, Styx, Pikes
- Pups: Hemlock
- Elders: none