You wander into a small clearing. Everything is quiet until you hear a low growl from your left. You look over to see a stunning she-wolf with blue and white fur and split black patches. Her three black eyes are unreadable, but her back fur begins to bristle, and her hackles slowly start to rise. "I am ᠻ᥅ꪮᦓꪻᦓꪻꪖ᥅, leader of BristleClan. What are you doing in my camp?" She growls. You look at her nervously, thinking of all the bad things that are about to happen. She steps forward, and your ears fold back. "I am no threat to your Clan, I promise," you assure her. She regards you deeply, then nods her head and quietly shows you around. You sense her calm demeanor, though she was hostile moments before. Perhaps she is someone worth knowing. "-And this is my companion, Flamescorch," ᠻ᥅ꪮᦓꪻᦓꪻꪖ᥅ stops speaking and points with her muzzle at a flaming fox-colored she-wolf with a three total eclipse eyes, who is shrouded in mist and giving out orders to the older pack adults, "She is my deputy, and when I go-which hopefully will not happen anytime soon-she will rule after me. What about you?" You answer her quietly, a bit overwhelmed. All around her, wolves emerge from caves and begin to gather around a tall rock Flamescorch is standing by. Puppies dash around your paws, and their pupsitters chase after them with muttered apologies. Flamescorch sends out a hunting patrol, then calls all of the adults over to her for a border patrol. You begin to take note of the order around you, and sense that it is your time to leave. You say goodbye to ᠻ᥅ꪮᦓꪻᦓꪻꪖ᥅ after looking at all of the wolves. then go back home to your own pack. You are glad you visited, and doubt this will be the last time.