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Tongass Pack
24 wolves in this pack may leave due to neglect!
indefinite internet hiatus.
i've been so on and off with WD over the years, and i'm getting a bit exhausted. i think it may be time to finally leave. dunno if i'll ever return.
for now i will log in until i have personally archived ALL my wolves. then its ✌️ for me.
thank you to everyone on here for giving me an experience and community i will never forget <3 LD and WD will always have special places in my heart, even if my heart isn't in it anymore.
my wolves and poop will stay on my account, they will die with me.
if you want to talk about something else, i have the same user on da, discord, and toyhouse (but don't expect timely replies). i no longer have a direct interest in selling art, but i will still listen to any inquiries and am always happy to talk art! or cats. or horses. rocks. you know, the important stuff.