Frosted Shrike
Atlas is a guide and a attraction for the gods of life and everything around, she keeps them around by looking like one and helping them, Harlyie chases away the demons of the under world as Atlas protects by attracting the better gods.
The pups in Atlas's decor resemble her long lost puppies, she was a litter of 4 puppies but they died soon after due to sickness as the pack was just formed, she cried out for day on end but nothing changed and nothing helped.
Soon after her pups died she left us when a rival pack attacked and killed her, in her final moments she left the choice of the new heir to Hawk, Hawk saw something in Violet that no one else saw, when Hawk told Atlas in the medicine den she approved and Atlas in her final moments said 'Violet my dear dont let the pups die-' and after Violet vowed not to let anything happen. a few days later one of the puppies slipped away and died near a river where the body was found. Pup
As Atlas was on her death bed another pup (Pup) Ran away and wasnt found, after the new reached Atlas she was devasted and wanted to go looking for the pup but couldnt.
Role Meanings
- -
- Herbalist
- Friendly
- Romantic
- Aggressive
- Stoic
- Hunter
- Scout
- Pupsitter
- Preggo
King V̷i̷o̷l̷e̷t̷ | ||||||||||||
Featured Wolf
None set.