RiverRottie Pack
⏳️ I have been sick for about 2 weeks so rolling over has been sporadic ⏳️
⚠️🥩 I do not feed wolves in my Adoption/sales caves
unless they are particularly cute, low Gen, and/or TII/TIII.
Please claim them as you see them because they may not last! 🥩⚠️
- NIB ONLY - Majority Friendly/Romantic -
-Quality TII's & TIII's -
Right now I am focusing on developing TII's and TIII's with mutations & carriers. I welcome stud requests and reverse breedings. PM me if you are interested!
💝 Wolves with a heart and bow are gifts that I cherish! 💝
Lead Wolf Petrichor G2 Pie TII | ||||||||||||