Kingdom of PolemistΓ©s
Hello there and welcome to my den! Feel free to look around and message me if you're interested in any of my wolves! But be warned, I only have expensive wolves, so be prepared to spend a good chunk of money, though I do try to go under the lowest Trade price.
If you're thinking about messaging me about trades, wolves, or just to talk, don't be scared! I'm a friendly person and unless you say or do something insulting, I don't bite either!

Dynamite's Goals
These are my goals for the game! Some may be long term, and some may take only a few days to complete. If you'd like to help me reach my goals, feel free to reach out!
- Expand Pack to 100 spots (86/100)
- Have all recipes learned (75/210)
- Breed a G2 Argent Mutation
- Own a G1 Zerdava Fox Stud
- Complete all Game Achievements
- Own 2 of every Lethal
- Set up a Event Tracker and Goal Forum
- Breed a G2 Grulla Dalmation
Did I Find Your Chased?
If I've found your chased, message me with proof! I sell all chased back to their chasers for 5GC, no matter their base, carrier status, or looks. I do reserve the right to keep a chased wolf, though I only do this if they will benefit my personal breeding projects.
Goodies I Buy
From rocks to inbred wolves, I buy them all! If you're looking to sell something, message me with the link to the wolf, or name of the item! As well as the price you're looking for. Prepare to haggle!
Main Wants
G1 T3 & T*
Grove Items
What Can You Buy From Me?
All wolves not secured you may ask for. I mark down what I bought them for, if I've sex changed, removed markings, or changed anything to do with the wolf.
The Faithful
The wolves in The Faithful den are secured. But if you are dying to own one of them, feel free to message me. I pay a lot of GC for the wolf, adding on the marking changes, removals, eye applicators, and decor costs, so the price to own one of these wolves is 80GC pure, plus additional items.
I hoard a lot of things. So if you're searching for something but can't seem to find it, message me and I'll check for it! If I do have it, we can discuss a price.
My beloved hunters, who have passed away. May they always be remembered







Birger ~ Stud


More art to come...
Pack Lore
New one is in the process of being made
Queen Aslaug ~ Devoted to God | ||||||||||||