Bound By Blood

Hey! I'm Vallkyriie and I've been playing Wolvden since the second round of early access. I'm originally from Lioden (Vallkyriie#70195)
My boyfriend now plays this game SpyciBoi (#22025) Feel free to say hello to em ❤️
I started playing Lioden on (8/28/2015) and I'm currently 18 years old!
I can more active on Wolvden at the moment, but I am still on Lioden (mutations and everything lol)
Feel free to DM and ask for anything or if you just wanna chat! I'm all ears ❤️
I'm currently waiting for pups to wean off the mother before selling anything. However, I've left prices in the namespaces if you wanna know what it could be. Any price can be altered and if you're interest just lmk. Have a good day.
Queen Elsweyr | ||||||||||||
None set.