Little Pine
Little Pine Pack
Teller: The leader of the pack. When a wolf becomes a Teller, they must make the treacherous journey to Maker's Peak, where they may receive a blessing from Earthmaker. If they receive a blessing, they must take the suffix -teller.
- Current Teller: Moonteller
Healer: The healer of the pack. Trained in the way of herbs and healing, they deal with sickness, injuries, and pregnancy. Healers are chosen as a pup to be separated from their litter and given to the current herbalist bear, who is a follower of Kodav the bear Goddess. They have the choice to keep the name their mentor gave them or take the name the Teller gives them.
- Current Healer: Mistnose
Watchers: Act as advisors to the Teller. They must have knowledge of the whole territory, and be versatile, intelligent, and brave. They are in charge of protecting and patrolling the territory. There can be two Watchers at a time, and they are required to go through The Watcher's Trial to become a Watcher.
- Current Watchers: Sandgaze, Dawnsight, Stoneleap
Watcher Trainees: Adolescents training to be Watchers.
- Current Watcher Trainees:
Head Hunter: The head of a hunting patrol. Act as an advisor to the Teller. Specializes in the movement and migration patterns of prey. Must be fast and strong. They train hunters from adolescence to become a part of the patrol. Must go through The Buffalo Trial to become a Head Hunter.
- Current Lead Hunters: Suntrot, Hawkwing
Hunters: Members of the hunting patrol. The most common rank within the pack. Watchers often accompany patrols, but they are expected to know how to protect themselves and their packmates. They take down prey and provide food for the pack. Separated into Stalkers, Chasers, and Finishers.
- Current Hunters: Ashtooth, Brookstep, Duskfang, Frostcall, Maplefall, Junipershade, Sprucethroat, Larchblaze
Hunter Trainees: Adolescents training to be Hunters.
- Current Hunter Trainees:
Guardians: Wolves tasked with raising the pups, and passing on the history and laws of the pack.
- Current Guardians: Rivertail, Heronfeather
Guardian Trainees: Adolescents training to be Guardians.
- Current Guardian Trainees:

Lead Wolf Moonteller | ||||||||||||