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CrestedPine Pack
You enter an unknown territory and almost immediately notice two males striding toward you. You tip your head, wondering whom these wolves may be. They both stop a wolf-length away from you, the marengo colored wolf raises his head high, swaying his tail. "Hello there, stranger! I am Exodus, Lead Wolf of the CrestedPine Pack and this is my Beta, Jambo! What brings you here?" He greets with a smile, Jambo gives you a weary glare, standing directly by his Leader's side protectively. You return his greeting with a smile as well, giving him your name, and pack that you are from, if you're even from a pack. You give him your reason for being within the territory and he nods. "Well then, come in, stay for a while, we don't receive many visitors!" He responds gleefully. Do you accept this wolf's request to come into his camp? Meet his pack? The choice is all yours!
Exodus |
Played By
BeefStew (#14488) |
Territory Biome
Coniferous Forest |
Cave Slots
3 / 10
Pack Adults
12 / 22
Pack Pups
15 / 110
Immortal Wolves
0 / 0 |