Like a Storm
Wishlist for gifting event:
Cheap Options
-Nesting Materials
-Common decors
-Common decor recipes
-10 sc bundle
-Common Backgrounds
-Common accessories for wolves
Expensive items
-Marking applicators
-Uncommon Decors
-Uncommon Decor recipes
-Grove items
-Marking Removal
-Sex Changers
-Custom Decors
-Any pose
-1 gc
-Uncommon accessories for wolves
-Bases, eye applicators and event stuff
Any gift is appreciated !
Helpfull Sheets:
Heat calculator

Good to know:
Lead Wolves use Strength, Speed, Agility and Smarts to battle. Strength
Stalkers use Wisdom and Smarts.
Chasers use Speed and Agility.
Finishers just use Strength.
Herbalists will use Wisdom and Smarts at some point, but for now they aren't actually important.
Scouts will find different stats useful depending on which area they're scouting.
Scouts, Mentors will find different stats useful depending on what lesson they're teaching.
Scouts need at least 101 WIS to scout the Glacier, and at least 101 STR to scout the Rainforest.
Pupsitters don't user any stats

Queen Grey Moon | ||||||||||||