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Moonstone Nightwalkers

About Me:

Hey there! I'm Vex, a 29-year-old gamer and art enthusiast (she/her, pansexual). My world revolves around a passion for video games, with a special place in my heart for FFXIV and ESO. I'm also a huge fan of foxes, tattoos, and piercings, and you'll often find me at concerts soaking in the music.

When it comes to creativity, I'm a bit of an OC enthusiastโ€”I might have more original characters than I can count! Though I'm incredibly shy, so it might take a bit for me to come out of my shell, I promise it'll be worth the wait. ^w^

About Moonstone Nightwalkers:

Deep within the shadowed heart of the Obsidian Forest, where the moonlight barely penetrates the canopy of towering ancient trees, there lives a mysterious pack of wolves. This pack, known as the "Moonstone Nightwalkers," is feared and revered by all creatures of the forest. At the head of this pack is a quiet but imposing leader, a black and white-furred wolf known as King Calix Nightshade.

Calix was born on a night of a lunar eclipse, under a blood moon that cast a crimson glow over the forest. It was said that his birth was an omen, signaling the rise of a ruler who would lead his kind into a new era. Even as a pup, Calix was unlike the others. He didn't bark or howl often, preferring silence and observation. His piercing amber eyes, always alert, seemed to hold an ancient wisdom that unnerved even the older wolves of the pack.

Calix grew strong quickly, both physically and mentally. He had a natural gift for strategy, often outthinking his rivals and winning battles with minimal bloodshed. When the old pack leader fell in a deadly confrontation with a rival clan, the Moonstone Nightwalkers were left vulnerable. In the chaos that followed, many wolves vied for leadership. But Calix, in his characteristic silence, stood tall, challenging the contenders with nothing but his gaze. One by one, they submitted to him without a fight, recognizing the strength and unspoken authority within him.

As the new alpha, Calix led his pack differently than any before him. Where others relied on brute force, he valued patience, stealth, and unity. He would often disappear into the night alone, scouting the forest's borders and gathering knowledge of enemy packs, hunters, and dangers long before they became a threat. His quiet nature earned him the title "Nightshade," for he moved like a shadow and struck only when least expected.

Under his leadership, the Moonstone Nightwakers became the most feared and respected pack in the land. They were known not for savage attacks, but for their cunning and ability to avoid unnecessary conflict. When they did fight, it was swift, decisive, and always to protect their territory or their own.

Whispers spread through the forest that Calix had made a pact with the moon itself. Some believed that he could commune with the spirits of fallen wolves, drawing upon their wisdom to guide his pack through times of darkness. Others claimed that he had the ability to disappear entirely, moving through the shadows as if he were part of the night itself.

Despite his silence, Calix is deeply loyal to his pack. He ensures that each member has a role and understands the importance of unity. His lieutenants, chosen not for their strength but for their intelligence and loyalty, act as his voice when needed. They are his trusted advisors and carry out his will with the same precision that Calix demonstrates in his leadership.

Though he rarely howls, when King Calix Nightshade does raise his voice, the sound is chilling and resonant, echoing through the trees like a distant storm. It is a call that strikes fear into his enemies and rallies his pack with unwavering loyalty. He is the wolf king of the night, leading his pack through the shadows with strength, wisdom, and an unspoken bond that holds them together in the darkest of times.

This is a paragraph. Feel free to add more content. Remember to wrap chunks of text in paragraphs.

King Calix Nightshade
Played By ๐Ÿ–ค๐’ฎ๐’ฝ๐’ถ๐’น๐‘œ๐“Œ๐’ฑ๐‘’๐“๐Ÿ–ค (#144983)
Territory Biome Deciduous Forest
Cave Slots 3 / 10
Pack Adults 15 / 33
Pack Pups 18 / 165
Immortal Wolves 0 / 0

Grimstone Grotto
Name Stats Info Currents
281 stats L1 Male 5 years 2 months (Adult) 5y 2m Hunter
231 stats L1 Male 2 years 11½ months (Adult) 2y 11½m Hunter
262 stats L5 Male 3 years 2½ months (Adult) 3y 2½m Hunter
277 stats L5 Male 3 years 6 months (Adult) 3y 6m Hunter
275 stats L5 Male 3 years 4½ months (Adult) 3y 4½m Scout
346 stats L7 Male 6 years 0 months (Adult) 6y 0m Herbalist
Silentshade Hollow
Name Stats Info Currents
201 stats L1 Female 1 year 10 months (Adult) 1y 10m
230 stats L1 Female 3 years 3 months (Adult) 3y 3m Breeding Cooldown (11 rollovers)Hunter
236 stats L3 Female 2 years 10 months (Adult) 2y 10m Pregnant (3 rollovers)NestedHunter
248 stats L4 Female 3 years 10 months (Adult) 3y 10m Breeding Cooldown (5 rollovers)Pupsitter
249 stats L5 Female 2 years 2 months (Adult) 2y 2m Breeding Cooldown (5 rollovers)Hunter
251 stats L3 Female 2 years 10 months (Adult) 2y 10m In Heat (4 rollovers)Hunter
262 stats L5 Female 3 years 6½ months (Adult) 3y 6½m Breeding Cooldown (10 rollovers)Scout
283 stats L3 Female 4 years 8 months (Adult) 4y 8m In Heat (4 rollovers)Pupsitter
319 stats L6 Female 6 years 1½ month (Adult) 6y 1½m Pupsitter
Willow Grove Den
Name Stats Info Currents
226 stats L1 Male 0 years 7½ months (Adolescent) 0y 7½m Trade
232 stats L1 Male 0 years 4½ months (Puppy) 0y 4½m Secured
368 stats L1 Female 0 years 8½ months (Adolescent) 0y 8½m Secured
234 stats L1 Female 0 years 5 months (Puppy) 0y 5m Secured
240 stats L1 Female 0 years 5 months (Puppy) 0y 5m Secured
224 stats L1 Female 0 years 7½ months (Adolescent) 0y 7½m Trade
234 stats L1 Female 0 years 5 months (Puppy) 0y 5m Trade
297 stats L1 Male 0 years 7 months (Adolescent) 0y 7m Secured
315 stats L1 Female 0 years 7½ months (Adolescent) 0y 7½m Secured
226 stats L1 Male 0 years 4½ months (Puppy) 0y 4½m Trade
270 stats L1 Male 0 years 7 months (Adolescent) 0y 7m Secured
238 stats L1 Female 0 years 5 months (Puppy) 0y 5m Secured
228 stats L1 Female 0 years 7½ months (Adolescent) 0y 7½m Trade
231 stats L1 Female 0 years 4½ months (Puppy) 0y 4½m Secured
224 stats L1 Male 0 years 7½ months (Adolescent) 0y 7½m Trade
225 stats L1 Female 0 years 7½ months (Adolescent) 0y 7½m Trade
345 stats L1 Male 0 years 11 months (Adolescent) 0y 11m Secured
224 stats L1 Female 0 years 7½ months (Adolescent) 0y 7½m Trade