Dragon’s Edge
Deep in the heart of a wild, ancient jungle, a pack of wolves roams. But… dear reader… there is something strange about this reclusive group. Anyone who ventures near, be they wolf or human… vanishes. One day they were exploring, next they were gone, without a trace, vanished like fog in a morning sunshine. Disappeared off the face of the earth. Of course, there is an explanation, but not a logical one. You see, when Dîorvîœs created Terra, the ground both you and me are living on, he created two unique races, incredibly different from each other, to govern our world. These Great Governing Species are known as wolves… and dragons!
Yes, dragons, great, winged reptiles, who rule the sky and patrol the land… but they are disbelieved, never seen, for one simple reason, dear reader: they only live in one area on Terra, our planet. You see, dragons used to fill the skies, bringing peace and order. But both one wolf, a Great War leader, wanted power. And he is known as simply The Destroyer. He rallied all wolves to his side, and with 100,000 wolves at his back, marched to the dragon's eyries and waged war. As legend goes, every wolf joined him in the horrifying attempt to annihilate dragons, except one pack.
They were known as simply The Edge, as they did, in fact, live at the edge of all known land. But, so seeing the destruction, their leader, Cäno, upon hearing what was happening, summoned all his pack, and together, with 37 dragons, disappeared into the Jungle, hoping to find peace. And find peace they did, after 27 years of wandering, during which time Cäno died and two new leader rose, Tarǐ, the wolf queen, and Sharpshot the Firebreather. At last, after years of searching, the last dragons (for all the others had been killed in the war), and the only un-corrupted wolves, stood at the base of The Great Tree. This tree is impossibly huge, even gargantuas. This Tree is said to be what gives life, along with Dîorvîœs the Almighty, and the First Well. Dîorvîœs, who had been watching over His people, saw they had reached the mighty Tree, and he covered the land all around in a thick, dark fog filled with dangers still unknown to all. But for a two-mile radius around the Great Tree, the jungle is clear. And The Edge wolves, (though their pack is now called Dragon's Edge), still live there, deep in the heart of an ancient wood. Waiting… waiting until the world is trustworthy enough for their secret to be revealed, perhaps until the end of all ages…
Or is it, Dear Reader?
Lore and History
Yes, dragons, great, winged reptiles, who rule the sky and patrol the land… but they are disbelieved, never seen, for one simple reason, dear reader: they only live in one area on Terra, our planet. You see, dragons used to fill the skies, bringing peace and order. But both one wolf, a Great War leader, wanted power. And he is known as simply The Destroyer. He rallied all wolves to his side, and with 100,000 wolves at his back, marched to the dragon's eyries and waged war. As legend goes, every wolf joined him in the horrifying attempt to annihilate dragons, except one pack.
They were known as simply The Edge, as they did, in fact, live at the edge of all known land. But, so seeing the destruction, their leader, Cäno, upon hearing what was happening, summoned all his pack, and together, with 37 dragons, disappeared into the Jungle, hoping to find peace. And find peace they did, after 27 years of wandering, during which time Cäno died and two new leader rose, Tarǐ, the wolf queen, and Sharpshot the Firebreather. At last, after years of searching, the last dragons (for all the others had been killed in the war), and the only un-corrupted wolves, stood at the base of The Great Tree. This tree is impossibly huge, even gargantuas. This Tree is said to be what gives life, along with Dîorvîœs the Almighty, and the First Well. Dîorvîœs, who had been watching over His people, saw they had reached the mighty Tree, and he covered the land all around in a thick, dark fog filled with dangers still unknown to all. But for a two-mile radius around the Great Tree, the jungle is clear. And The Edge wolves, (though their pack is now called Dragon's Edge), still live there, deep in the heart of an ancient wood. Waiting… waiting until the world is trustworthy enough for their secret to be revealed, perhaps until the end of all ages…
Or is it, Dear Reader?
Lore and History
Queen Vangwe and Goldenblaze | ||||||||||||