Alpine Cavern
⟶ <- Chasing ⛁⛀ Selling
➴ Might Chase 🌧Enclave
☼Melanism ☾ Albinism
✦Mela-Carrier ✧Alb-Carrier
♔ <- King ♛ <- Kings Companion
♗<- Spiritual Leader{Deaf} ♝<- Seer {Blind}
🜲 <- Nobles/Heirs ♞ <- Knight
⛥<- Knight Apprentice
♜ <- Hunter {+20% Prof} ♟︎ <- Hunter Appr.
☁︎ <- Caretaker {+50% Prof} ༄༄ <- Caretaker Appr.
☘︎ <- Healer Apprentice
↟ <- Scout Apprentice
♡ <- Planned Future Pairbond
❀ <- Denmother ✿<- To-be Denmother
❦ <- For Adoption
♔Alpine Monarchy♔
Deep within a prodigious alpine mountain, lives a monarchy in a vast cave system. This cave system is chock full of luminous flora, rich treasure, and cryptic danger.
The pack eats in order, with higher ranks bringing richer spoils.

King Cuthred | ||||||||||||