Lamina valley


my wolven page and information about it
Killa here, hello this is my wolvden page! Nymph is my main and favourite wolf so far I did have an old Wolvden account (2) but I struggled on them cause I don't normally use websites like this but on this account, I have a basic idea of what to do and I have a future idea of what I want to end up doing with this Wolvden accountmy female wolves/studs
If you want to request to breed with a stud you can do so, but if I do not accept it within 2 - 3 days its possibly cause I have completely forgot to check my inbox but if I do then don't worry. I will also possibly breed to someone elses main wolf thats male ofc cause I sometimes do not want to cause inbred wolves or inbred or known as "dirty"inbred/bred wolves
okay! to terms. Dirty wolves are classed as inbred wolves; these are wolves that have had a wolf show up more than once in their family tree whilst Clean wolves are what they are but not by appearance its about family tree clean wolves are where a wolf shows up once in a wolves family treeLioden <- my lioden
I appreciate all and every gift I get, I love wolvdens community its probably the best community I have been in!

Leader BANES | ||||||||||||