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Welcome to the land of BLOOD RAVISH. Here, only the strong will thrive and the weak will perish. 

King Agreus Reaper
Played By DRACULA (#17969)
Territory Biome Taiga
Cave Slots 6 / 10
Pack Adults 12 / 25
Pack Pups 5 / 125
Immortal Wolves 0 / 0

Argeș Cave
Name Stats Info Currents
2nd Gen Clean
1077 stats L20 Male 6 years 3½ months (Adult) 6y 3½m Scout
868 stats L20 Male 7 years 3½ months (Elder) 7y 3½m Scout
Balea Cave
Name Stats Info Currents
377 stats L2 Female 3 years 2½ months (Adult) 3y 2½m Pregnant (3 rollovers)Hunter
Dâmbovicioara Cave
Name Stats Info Currents
4th Gen Clean
428 stats L7 Female 3 years 0½ months (Adult) 3y 0½m Pregnant (4 rollovers)Pupsitter
3rd Gen clean Nightchill T*
420 stats L6 Male 2 years 11½ months (Adult) 2y 11½m Herbalist
607 stats L10 Female 6 years 10 months (Adult) 6y 10m In Heat (2 rollovers)Pupsitter
449 stats L9 Male 5 years 7½ months (Adult) 5y 7½m Pupsitter
Piatra Cave
Name Stats Info Currents
Melanism carrier T* 7th gen Clean
438 stats L5 Female 2 years 9 months (Adult) 2y 9m Breeding Cooldown (6 rollovers)Hunter
467 stats L9 Female 6 years 3½ months (Adult) 6y 3½m Breeding Cooldown (10 rollovers)Hunter
418 stats L1 Male 0 years 10 months (Adolescent) 0y 10m
Poenari Cave
Name Stats Info Currents
T*, 5th gen
554 stats L9 Male 5 years 5 months (Adult) 5y 5m Hunter
515 stats L9 Female 4 years 6½ months (Adult) 4y 6½m Breeding Cooldown (11 rollovers)Hunter
5th Gen Clean
513 stats L10 Female 5 years 8½ months (Adult) 5y 8½m Breeding Cooldown (11 rollovers)Hunter
288 stats L1 Male 0 years 4½ months (Puppy) 0y 4½m Hungry
292 stats L1 Male 0 years 4½ months (Puppy) 0y 4½m Hungry
301 stats L1 Female 0 years 4½ months (Puppy) 0y 4½m Hungry
Sell Cave
Name Stats Info Currents
300 stats L1 Female 0 years 4½ months (Puppy) 0y 4½m