Pack of the Akhlut

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You trek on through the bitter cold, the screaming winds of the Glacier biome making your fur ruffle. You let out a shiver, lifting your nose up toward the sky to inhale deeply. That rabbit had to be long gone for the scent to be so hard to find. However, there was the slight and somewhat stale scent of a wolf pack nearby. Almost as if being summoned, a wolf appears from behind a few trees. Her gaze is uneasy yet soft. The she-wolf looked almost like a dog, husky-like markings yet a strong and lithe body of a wolf.
The she-wolf lowered her tail and look a gentle step forward, "Hello. Are you a loner?" her voice is so quiet that you had to really strain to hear it. Your nerves seem to smooth over at how shy and anxious the wolf seemed. Explaining why you're here and what pack you're from, you go on how you got lost while tracking the scent of a rabbit. When she doesn't respond after you finish, you decide to tell her your name. The wolf nods, "My name is Infinity. I am the alpha of the Pack of the Akhlut, we don't live too far from here."
You nod. That explain the wolf pack scent. You go on to ask how many wolves are in the Pack of the Akhlut, only for Infinity to respond a second later, "Well, we have enough adults in the pack to make two hunting parties, so there's almost never a shortage of food." she chuckles slightly before going on, "And we also have a few pups and adolescents, strong little fellas they are." When she finishes, a harsh shiver finds itself upon your body.
Infinity seems to be calculating things in her head. Strange wolf. Eventually, she speaks up, "Would you like to rest in our camp? You seem cold, and I don't think my mate would mind if we shared some food with you." You nod vigorously, thanking her before she sets off in a swift trot toward the north of the Glaciers.
You had been trotting for half an hour before you had finally reached the entrance of the camp. It wasn't anything too grand, yet enough to show you that this pack took time to decorate their home. The entry-way of the camp featured a path that scraped away the grass, only to reveal a neat dirt road. The dirt path had little flowers and berries on either side, two large stones marking the front of the path.
Infinity turned to watch you admire the dedication that went into making the entrance. A small smile tugged at the side of her mouth while she waited. You snapped back to your current mission and followed her into the camp, a clearing in the rare small forests of the northern Tundra biome that you could find if you were determined enough. There were areas where stones and feathers lined in a circle pattern, probably leading to dens underground. The camp was a nice medium size, the dirt in some areas marked the areas where the bears were probably paid to uproot trees for more space.
A male wolf with a strange red marking leaps down from a twisted tree that made a satisfying platform. He examines you, and you had to admit you felt slightly uneasy with how much the bulky male had been scanning you. Infinity walks up to him and nudges his tail with hers, "This is _Y/N_, they had been tracking a rabbit before they got lost. They seemed cold, so I thought it'd be nice to bring them here and let them eat." The male dips his head at her, "Very well. However, they may not have any of the larger carcasses. Only a singular small one."
Infinity dips her head, "Alright. Thank you, Ace." she flicks her tail and you follow her to a prey pile. Most of the carcasses seemed to be buried. She crouches low to the ground and grabs a muskrat carcass, setting in down in front of you kindly. A couple pups with similar markings to the leader come bolting out of a burrow-like den, charging at top speed to their mother. They looked large enough to be almost adolescents.
"Mama! Look wha I got!" the smallest one drops an owl feather at their mom's feet. Infinity's gaze softens as she sits and stares at it, "Where'd you get this, Reykur?" He responds with a sharp yelp, "Fugl brought it to me! He said he got it when he was hunting last night!" Infinity nods quietly, "Very good. Did you thank him?" she tilts her head slightly to the side. As the family talk, you dig into your muskrat carcass. Your stomach rumbled hungrily as you did so.
Oddly enough, this pack seemed rather friendly towards newcomers. At least, the wolves that came out of their dens to check out what was going on and say hi. There were three adults sitting around you, a pregnant she-wolf with a gorgeous fur-pattern, a loud and scatterbrained snow-base she-wolf, and a wolf with a light tan base and white grizzle marking. Infinity was there still, of course, discussing scouting areas with a snappy brown she-wolf. The black and white she-wolf seemed used to the attitude by now, responding calmly and quietly.
The three wolves around you offered to tell you about the pack, let it be about the roles, lore of the pack, etc.
Alpha 🌟 Infinity | ||||||||||||