Pack of Icy Waters
The air is crisp and sharp, and your nose stings from the inside with every breath. The sound of your paws crunching through the icy crust and into fluffy, cold snow below is deafening in the silent air. Thick snowflakes drift down from the grey sky.
You come across a clear stream. The water bubbles over the rocks and acts as a final resting place for the snowflakes as they plummet and and melt in the crystal liquid. You drink, the frosty water makes your teeth ache.
Past the sound of the babbling water, beyond the thick shivering wall of snow, you hear the crunch of other paws. Your head rises, ears pointed.
You scan the white landscape. A clump of snow tumbles from the branches of one of the many pine trees rising up from the depths of the snow below.
The silhouette of a wolf catches your eye. His shape dark against the pearly surroundings. His yellow eyes are staring and challenging. He howls, and the Pack of Icy Waters howls back.
Pack Leader Hawk That Swoops Low | ||||||||||||
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