Low Sky
Emote Guide:
⭐= Friendly
❤️ = Romantic
🔥 = Agressive
☯ = Stoic
🏹 = Hunter: Stalker Specialist
🦌 = Hunter: Chaser Specialist
⚔️ = Hunter: Finisher Specialist
⚪️⚫ = W/B Heterochromia
☄️ = Albinism
🌑 = Melanism
🤍 = Albino Carrier
🖤 = Mella Carrier
I Raise and chase pups, currently trying for pups with merle in most of the markings slots and T3s.
So far raised and chased as of 6/5/21: 52 wolves
Lead Wolf Wisp 🌠 | ||||||||||||