Redwhisper Pack

welcome to redwhisper territory
many years ago….
a young, spirited wolf left the starving, fractured pack of her birth and set out towards the distant mountains. it was a long journey, fraught with perils, but the she-wolf was strong, and a quick learner—she would never have gotten to her destination safely otherwise. along the way, she met the one who would eventually become her mate. he traveled with her for the last months of the journey, and together they made a home in the high mountain passes to shelter their growing family. the few lone wolves who happened to wander near their den in the early days were met first with suspicion, but ultimately with acceptance.
since that first harsh winter found a half-dozen strays and a handful of pups huddled together for warmth in a single cave, the redwhisper pack—named for the quiet but constant murmur of the nearby ruby river—has grown exponentially. they control a vast swath of territory from the far side of wolverine mountain all the way to the coastal cliffs in the east. travelers are welcome in redwhisper territory, as are those who seek to make their home here, so long as they respect the pack's elders and leaders. although the wolves that first settled here have since passed into the great beyond, today their descendants work to keep the pack strong, healthy, and prosperous.
breeding projects
• thunder/luthien: melanism
• cairo/mirage: b/w hetero eyes
• gandalf/sunbeam: b/b hetero eyes
• ember: t3 bases
• triton/andromeda: lunar marks
• wulfstan/vesper: clover base
the annals of redwhisper, volume I
the annals of redwhisper, volume II
breeding male advertisement
quick stats
playing since: 5 december 2020
puppies bred: 386
recipes known: 42/150
wolves R&C'd: 31
❤️: keep
🐻: bear food
✴️: r&c
💲: sell
1️⃣: tier I base
2️⃣: tier II base
3️⃣: tier III base
*️⃣: special base
⚫️: melanism carrier
🖤: melanistic
⚪️ :albinism carrier
🤍: albino
💀: lethal mutation carrier
🧬: inbred
• : balto's descendent
* : wulfstan's descendent
wise words
we are never alone
we are all wolves
howling to the same moon

the pack's main hunting team uses the red hollow cave as their base. nestled into the foothills of wolverine mountain, it is well-hidden from travelers or passersby but provides easy access to both the high mountain passes and the forest below. each wolf that hunts from this cave is immortalized on its rock walls, their paw prints visible to future generations—a red print from the juice of the bearberry plant for their first hunt, and the pale yellow of the tansy flower for their last.
several of the younger pack members supplement the pack's food stores from a secondary hunting base at the ruby river cave. this small cave is dug into the soft earth at the largest bend of the river, not far from the path down into the foothills. it is not the most glamorous placement, but it offers a good opportunity for hunters in training to get experience working as part of a team. those who are particularly successful here will eventually join the senior hunters at red hollow.
the pack elders and scholars make their home in the scarlet grove, a cave of sorts carved into the trunk of a massive oak tree. here in the heart of the redwhisper territory, the pack herbalist keeps stores of medicines for sick or injured wolves, and the far-ranging scouts come to rest and report back on their travels. senior wolves who have retired from their regular duties also spend their time here, making themselves available to the younger members of the pack seeking their counsel or tutelage.
the pack's most exceptional female members reside in luxury in the garnet grotto, a stunningly beautiful copse of trees near the red hollow cave. These wolves are not needed for utilitarian duties within the pack, so instead they are kept well-fed and healthy to ensure they are able to fulfill the most important of roles—birthing strong, hardy pups to continue the pack lineage. as the smallest of the caves within the pack's territory, the wolves who live here often form extremely close bonds of friendship.
not far from the ruby river, older pups begin to venture out on their own from the safety of the crimson valley caves. these adolescent wolves may have outgrown their pupsitters, but the sheltered valley with its shallow dirt chambers still offers them some protection as they practice hunting, scouting, and foraging for the first time. the caves itself are gradually shifting and evolving each year, influenced by the seasonal patterns of the river's path through the valley.
nestled even deeper in the foothills, just past the scarlet grove, the copper cavern is the most well-protected part of redwhisper territory. the pack's female wolves come here to whelp and suckle their pups in the quiet comforts of the cave's soft herbal bedding and well-worn stone walls. alongside other pack members devoted to the care and protection of the pups, mother wolves have an opportunity to rest and recover here before returning to their regular pack duties.
at the furthest edge of the pack's territory, coral bay offers shelter to those wolves who are searching for a new home or purpose. although they remain under redwhisper protection for now, their distance from the epicenter of pack life prepares them to move on some day.
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