The Wolves of Gold Creek
Pack Info
A pack formerly based in the sandy dunes of the American Desert., then the caves below. The recent disaster have freed them from their tunnels, but claimed many lives in the process.
Challenge Rules
Wolves below generational stat minimum at age up will be chased.
1.a Current stat minimum: 350. Next year's minimum: 450. [GOAL: 3000 stat wolf]
1.b Generational stat minimum increases by 50 the first year, and then 100 every in-game year after that.
Pups will not be protected. There will be no pupsitters within the pack.
Pups must be trained into a set role that they will fill for the rest of their life. Usually by their mother, with the Lead or Herbalist filling in the rare few lessons she cannot teach.
Roles typically follow a caste system, due to parents passing on their highest stats (ex. speed) to their offspring. A high speed/agility chaser will rear future chasers to take their place. Exceptions are cross-stat breeding that results in a new highest stat from another bloodline (ex. wisdom). A chaser x herbalist (or stalker) may produce a high wis/agility pup, and their highest stat determines their role.
All Runts will be chased/enclaved. No exceptions.
5.a Largest pups will be prioritized above the whole litter.
Pups born to the pack must be T2 or better (some exceptions apply, such as unique eyes or planned redesigns).
They must also have 4 or more marks of good (25+) opacity.
6.a Wolves that do not fit the above requirements must be chased while still a pup as to not taint the chased pool.
Food must not go to waste, and excess must be sold or donated.
If a sick wolf cannot be cured the same day it gains the illness, it must not be helped come the next rollover. The illness will be allowed to fester and even kill the wolf.
No inbreeding. Inbred pups will be chased.
Starting now, only wolves level 10 or higher may breed.
Wolves bred will not be nested (exception: breeding projects intended to raise funds for the pack).
Herbalists must have some kind of familial relation to their heir (niephling, cousin, child, sibling, great-grandchild, etc.) due to how little they must breed to replace their role, as opposed to direct descendants from hunters.
Scouts can be assigned to any wolf, no matter their caste. It is a position held only to increase a given wolf's stats and seen as additional education. Once a scout is level 15 they must be reassigned to their birth-role (i.e. hunter, mentor, herbalist).
CXC = 10% C & M
NCXM= 15% C
CXM = 15% C & M
MXM = 20% M
finisher - highest strength
chasers - highest speed and agility
stalkers - highest smarts and wisdom
highest smarts and wisdom
max two scouts, make sure their highest stats are not the same
speed: Decidous Forest, Grasslands, Mountains, Prairie
agility: Taiga, Swamp
strength: Desert, Rainforest
smarts: Confierous Forest, Tundra
wisdom: Riptarian Woodland, Glacier

Art by Liz#16243. Featured wolf is Nevada.
Leader Arpina | ||||||||||||
For Stud
None set.