Aos Sidhe
Hidden deep in the coniferous forest, a strange pack slinks through the mists. Their pelts bare strange colours and their appearances are odd. It isn't known whether they naturally came to be this way, or they adorn themselves with attire akin to fey creatures. They are attuned to the world around them in an unearthly manor. Some have even whispered that they are not of this world at all. They are lead by a mysterious she-wolf that few have even seen. It has been said that she can change the colour of her fur to blend with her surroundings. Her mate wears the mantle of a great stag that is thought to grown from his very head. Are these whispering truth? Or mere myth? It may never be known.
The medicine wolf keeps contact with allied packs. He has said he is descendant from another pack which came to this land years ago from another, baring strange powers and often strange looks as well. It is rumoured that his new pack is the result of powers from distant lands and from these melding into a strong line of spiritual wolves who walk the boundary between this world, and the other world.
❤️ - Romantic
☯️ - Stoic
⭐️ - Friendly
🔥 - Aggressive
©️- Mutation Carrier
⚫️ - Melanism
⚪️ - Albinism
☣️ - Lethal
The First Pack
An ancient pack of warriors who defend their homeland against invaders and the dark spirits that sometimes pass between our realm and the Otherworld
Na Fianna have a strange connection with ancient spirits. It is said that the lead wolf, Nerah, has the ability to commune with ghosts and carries some magic in her bloodline. Whatever magic it is runs through the pack, it is evident in the offspring that are produced with strange coats and strange eyes. Perhaps they will grow up to exhibit odd abilities too?
WIP on an entire family tree - Full art of each pack member can be found in "Pack Art"
Key: Faded = Deceased, Blue Faded = Left the pack, Red Line = Mate/Pair Bond, Black Line = Descendent, Black Dotted Line = Adopted
Nerah came to the land of wolvden (North America) through a cave affected by the magic of Cogrieach. Her original homeland was Ireland, where she endured ordeals with Spirits and Demons. This is what inspires the celtic/Irish naming and lore of the pack, and also explains her connection to spirits. Important wolves such as Nerah have extra lore in their bios if you wish to read more!
Pack Starters
As Nerah made her way through this strange new world, she came upon some wolves searching for a home. She smiled and wagged her tail in a friendly manner, welcoming them to join her on her travels until they finally decided to settle down in a cozy den within the deciduous forest. As the pack grew older and Nerah's daughter trained to be lead, some other first generation wolves befriended the younger members of the pack too, after they had settled in a different location.
Nerah - First Leader - Customised - 25/09/2020 - Deceased
Taibhse - First Stud - Customised - 25/09/2020 - Deceased
Ronán - First Finisher - NBW - 25/09/2020 - Deceased
Oisín - First Chaser - NBW - 25/09/2020 - Deceased
Caoimhe - First Scout - NBW - 26/09/2020 - Deceased
Áine - Second Scout - NBW - 26/09/2020 - Deceased
Oscar - Second Chaser - NBW - 30/09/2020 - Deceased
Oonagh - First Herbalist - NBW - unknown - Deceased
Ciara - Third Chaser - NBW - unknown - Deceased
Second Generation
As they settled, some of the pack members, Nerah included, decided they would like to start familes. Some bore many pups, and some only few but as their family grew, so did their confidence, and they roamed further and further, scouting and settling in different lands.
Nerah's Pups
Muireann - Pupsitter - 08/11/2021 - Deciduous Forest
Púca - Second Herbalist - 08/11/2021 - Deciduous Forest
Fiadh - Stalker - 28/12/2021 - Taiga
Aoibhinn - Stalker - 28/12/2021 - Taiga
Meabh - Second Leader - 28/12/2021 - Taiga
Nerah & Taibhse's Pups
Tadgh - 01/22/2022 - Grasslands
Oonagh's Pup's
Orlaigh - Pupsitter - 07/10/2020 - Deciduous Forest
Ciara's Pups
Nessa - Pupsitter - 03/10/2021 - Deciduous Forest
Ciarán - Chaser - 20/11/2021 - Deciduous Forest
Áine's Pups
Niamh - Pupsitter - 05/10/2020 - Deciduous Forest
Plór - Pupsitter - 05/10/2020 - Deciduous Forest
Aodhán - Stud Heir - 31/12/2021 - Riparian Woodland
Caoimhe's Pups
Bronagh - Chaser - 29/12/2021 - Riparian Woodland
Caoimhe & Ronán's Pups
Aisha - Scout - Adopted - Ripirian Woodland
Third Generation
As the pack began to grow and change, so did the wolves who founded it. Some moved away, seeking a future elsewhere, while some sadly passed away, but their legacy was carried on by their pups who had children of their own to take their place. Some new faces were adopted into the pack as well, drawn by their kindness and fierce protectiveness.
Niamh & Oisin's Pups
Saoirse - Finisher - Adopted - Deciduous Forest
Muireann's Pups
Donnacha - Chaser - 08/12/2021 - Deciduous Forest
Seamus - Chaser - 08/12/2021 - Deciduous Forest
Ruairí - Stalker - 23/05/2022 - Grasslamds
Orlaigh's Pups
Aonaid - Chaser - 14/11/2021 - Deciduous Forest
Blaithín - Finisher - 12/12/2021 - Deciduous Forest
Aoife - Finisher - 12/12/2021 - Deciduous Forest
Caolan - Pupsitter - 01/19/2022 - Riparian Woodland
Eabha - Pupsitter - 01/19/2022 - Riparian Woodland
Nessa's Pups
Cathal - Finisher - 06/12/2021 - Deciduous Forest
Sadhbh - Chaser - 06/12/2021 - Deciduous Forest
Aoibhe - Chaser - 06/12/2021 - Deciduous Forest
Fourth Generation
By now the pack was teeming with life spanning many generations, and with many more to come! A new herbalist had taken over, Puca, a strange pup with a strangely coloured coat that was at first mistrusted, but her hard work as Oonagh's apprentice lead the pack to come to revere her wisdom. Many of the first generation began to pass peacefully namely the three first bachelors Oisin, Oscar and Ronan. Niamh and her sister Plor decided to leave the pack then, finding the memories of their loved ones too painful. Niamh's adopted daughter however stayed to bolster the ranks of the pack further. Strange coats, pelts and eyes began to appear within the pack in these later generations. Nerah began to suspect that her connection to spirits and ghosts, as well as the continued coming of the dreamlands every moon, was beginning to have an affect on her pack. She wasn't yet sure if this was a positive thing.
Saoirse's Pups
Fionn - Stalker - 25/11/2021 - Deciduous Forest
Erin - Chaser - 25/11/2021 - Deciduous Forest
Eoghan - Chaser - 25/11/2021 - Deciduous Forest
Connal - Chaser - 25/11/2021 - Deciduous Forest
Diarmuid - Stalker (Former Scout) - 25/11/2021 - Deciduous Forest
Aonaid's Pups
Roisín - Pupsitter - 16/12/2021 - Deciduous Forest
Aonaid & Fionn's Pups
Cian - Sentinel - 04/02/2022 - Grasslands
Aoife's Pups
Seán - R&C Breeder - 01/25/2022 - Grasslands
Fifth Generation
Erin's Pups
Aisling - Chaser - 25/12/2021 - Taiga
Cara - Chaser - 25/12/2021 - Taiga
Clodagh - Sentinel - 01/02/2022 - Grasslands
Conor - Sentinel - 01/02/2022 - Grasslands
Members in order of seniority
Oonagh, Ciara,
Oisín, Oscar,
Caoimhe, Áine,
Nerah, Taibhse,
Nessa, Niamh, Plór, Orlaigh,
Muireann, Púca,
Fionn, Eoghan, Erin, Connal, Diarmuid,
Cathal, Aoibhe, Sadhbh, Donnacha, Seamus,
Aoife, Blaithín,
Cara, Aisling,
Meabh, Aoibhinn, Fiadh
Bronagh, Aodhán
Liam, Nuala, Pádraig
Cillian, Oran
Brian, Cahill, Fiachra, Rionna,
Sorcha, Deirbhle, Laoise, Lorcan, Glenn
Cadhla, Cloadagh, Shauna, Conan
Gen 1








Gen 2







Table of Contents
- An Eye for an Antler (WIP)
The Old Gods
"Before the world existed, first there were the two brothers Oganach and Kurl." Nerah said and Ghost nodded, this part he knew, "Each decided to take reign over a realm. Oganach took the sea and Kurl the sky. They created vast oceans and soaring skies and from the power they poured into their realms was born the earth, Runda. Her magnificent mountains erupted from the seas and pierced the skies. Nature bloomed into the world as pure and beautiful as the goddess herself. The two brothers were in awe of her as she stood, connecting the sea and the sky. It was not long before one of them fell deeply in love with her. Runda became the mate of Kurl and together they created the creatures of the land and the sky. Each created a male and a female of every species known to us. They made them with such love and compassion that each was born with a power over some part of their world. Kurl and Runda hoped that their children would keep this world they had created in balance and protect each other, and so they did. Oganach, without a partner to create the creatures of the sea, was unable to give them the abilities of the land and sky creatures but gave some of them intelligence unlike any of the land creatures so they might survive. His creatures, at first, were strong and clever but as time went on it became more and more difficult for him to expend his power without any help. Kurl and Runda were so enamoured with each other that they did not think to aid the sea. Oganach grew sullen and jealous, and along with him so did his creatures. They became darker, stranger and more twisted. The more graceful and intelligent of his children resided near the surface of his oceans away from the dark corners where the strange creatures lurked. The ocean god was consumed by resentment and battered Runda's shores in attempt to hurt his brother. He wished terribly that Runda had chosen him and attacked her bitterly because she hadn't. Kurl raged and the sea and skies fought in storms unlike any the creatures of earth had ever seen. Runda protected them from the coldness of the ocean, but neither she nor the sky could hold him at bay forever. One day as the earth and the sky were preparing for another siege, Oganach's interests were drawn elsewhere. Baffled, the earth and sky waited for an attack that was never to come."
Nerah paused, wondering if she should continue, and saw the look of awe on her companion's face as she spoke. She grinned and went on, "Something deep down in the darkest depths of the ocean had stirred. It was something Oganach had never felt before and so, he was drawn to it. The sea spirit retreated into the deepest ravine to investigate this disturbance. When he reached such a depth that nothing could live and even the rocks barely withstood the might of the ocean, he found it. Seeping in through the cracks in his realm where the stone gave way to other worlds, a darkness deeper than the blackest night. A being so evil and destructive, Oganach could not have imagined it. It called itself chaos. The sea god was infatuated. The power then emanated from this being fed his greedy, resentful heart and he listened as it whispered of greater things. He seized this opportunity to seek revenge on the other gods and together with Chaos, created the four demons. Famine, War, Plague and Death. Triumphantly he released his children upon the world, the darkness in his heart relishing in the idea of hurting the beloved creatures of the earth and sky. Disharmony wracked the world. Famine stole away the nature of the land, leaving the creatures to starve and turn on each other. Wars broke out between species and even packs for food, animals starved, disease began to spread and then, for the first time in the history of our world, they began to die. War, Plague and Famine ravaged the world until finally Death came to collect his dues. Never had there been such despair. The demons and chaos destroyed the world one continent at a time until finally there was nothing left, save one small island in the north. The three gods retreated to this island. The creatures of this land were resilient and many of them had yet to succumb to the curse of the demons. Oganach, realising what a horrible mistake he had made, aided the earth in creating giant reefs and ragged rock formations to protect the island from cursed beings. This was not enough however, and the curse began to seep into this protected world. Desperate and running out of power, the gods called on the remaining animals with their powers. They sacrificed their power to create a boundary around the island through which no immortal being could pass. The animals became mortal and were touched by the curse of the demons. Slowly they began to die, taking with them all that was good in the world. The earth and sky grieved for their children and in attempt to preserve what was left of their beautiful world they used the last of their energy to return power to seven small groups of animals. A herd of deer, a pack of wolves, a sleuth of bears, a herd of horses, a pride of cats, a herd of seals and a flock of owls. They were called the Ainmhithe. Some, like the bears and seals, spread out across the island while others such as the horses and wolves stayed together. They were given the powers to protect their world, as the gods no longer had the strength to do so. The earth and the sky disappeared then, leaving their children to watch over the island, or as they called it, The Ancient World." Nerah smiled as she finished her story.
Story telling had been something she adored as a pup and she had always longed to be able to tell her own cubs stories sometime in the future.
"So, what happened to the Ocean spirit?" asked Ghost, "Did the others forgive him?"
Nerah nodded, "But their forgiveness was not enough for him." She said, "Oganach watched as the demons and Chaos ruined the outside world. It wasn't long before they became bored of it and wanted something more. Chaos sent her demons to batter the defences of the Ancient World but the Ainmhithe stood strong. Eventually they gave up, and together with their creator set about giving birth to a new species. These animals were incredibly intelligent and creative, but their mother, Chaos, gave them something that would doom them forever. The will to destroy."
Ghost's ears flicked back. An anxious feeling was beginning to settle over him as he listened to Nerah's chilling story.
"They are called Man." She told him.
Ghost shivered. Man. The two-legged creatures who haunted the forests of the land. They were an enigma to all animals. Those who crossed paths with them were usually sick or dying. The humans had mysterious ways. They had powers and intelligence unlike any other. Luckily, they were usually known to use it for healing. Even so most creatures did not stray too close unless they were fatally wounded or ill in some way that they could not cure themselves.
"But do the humans not heal?" he asked cautiously
Nerah smiled, "I'm glad you asked. Yes," she said to him, "Our humans heal. The humans of the ancient land. You see, even after Oganach helped Runda and Kurl build the boundary, and give energy to the barrier, and destroy the ships of countless humans who came to batter the shores of the Ancient world, it was never enough. He could never forgive himself and so he took inspiration from the foul creatures Chaos had created and gave birth to a new breed of man. These men were quite the same as that of chaos' offspring but there was one thing that Oganach changed. Instead of the will to destroy he gave these creatures the need to heal, to use the land unlike any other, and counteract the curses of the demons by healing, feeding, protecting the ainmhithe affected by it. This of course is the Man that roams the land we dwell in." Nerah puffed up her chest, proud of her brilliant storytelling.
Lead Wolf Úna | ||||||||||||