Blue Moon Falls Pack

Welcome to the Blue Moon Falls Pack
You walk through the trees and into a clearing just at the base of the mountains. The full moon glimmers down on you and the pack of wolves that are playing in its rays. They watch you carefully, nervous around newcomers. You sit slowly, as to not scare them off. Sitting in the center of the clearing is a beautiful wolf. He stands out of the pack with his natural looks, bird skull adornment & a gold earring in his right ear. This must be the pack leader....
Hello, Welcome to the Blue moon Falls Pack. I am Pandemonium! I breed T2,3 & Special bases. My favorite base is Caelum, which I have on my current stud. Feel free to check out all my wolves. Wolves that will be for sale are marked with $ or in my For Sale den. I am open to offers on any wolves not marked, so feel free to dm me.
Galaxy Wolf base made by Starwuff & recolored by me.
Lead Wolf Omen - NIB 3rd Gen 10M - | ||||||||||||
None set.