Arcturus Pack
For December Gifting Event:
- Please please please do NOT give me any food. I have over 5000 uses already. It will be wasted on me
-Wishlist: Currency, Nesting Materials, Amusement items, Medicine, Lucky feet, Sex changers, breeding items, applicators
Wishlist for Ratmas: Rats of any shape or form. Muskrats also accepted
ratmas >> eggmas
Hello and welcome to my den! I breed for melas and T3s and those that I'm not keeping will either be sold or raffled off and can be found in the Sell and Raffle caves respectively. Any pup named Enclave is destined for the bear. If you would like to buy or trade for an Enclave pup, just send a message before they are weaned. They will briefly be put up for sale as fodder, and if not bought before RO, enclaved.
If you had a refunded breeding to my stud and have not received your refund 24hrs after the request is accepted, please send me a dm reminder. I probably just missed that you had one, or forgot to check entirely. Thank you!
-π₯Related to Shadowflame (Includes Koyote & Korosho lines)
- βοΈ Related to Daybreak ( Includes Serendipity line)
- Mela G5 cutoff, Albino g8 cutoff
- NIB, g2 only for new t3 pups
-NIB, g4 cutoff for t*
- Food- 2 SC/use
Long term goal: Get a Mel lethal pup
- owed
- 38 gc for fully customized mela?

Might be writing lore down, Ive got it all in my head but writing it down requires creativity lol

Why Greorgorgry? Greorgorgry was named by sticksandstones π₯ #54601. It was said, and so it shall be.
This project started from two adopted wolves, Inix and Sunflower. They both had around 600 birth stats and made good scouts. In an effort to create a line of good scouts that would no be used for anything else, I bred to them together and will continue to breed their pups together to get an incredibly IB line of high stat wolves. This is the only stats project I am a part of. The non-scout pups will be used as an elite team of hunters, also all horribly IB and related to each other in a thousand different ways. Once they hit lvl 20, highest born stat pups will be taken, trained and then replace their parents in scouting. Old scouts will be sold.
Cowboy theme?
Now strongly considering a computer theme bc of Xeva #16394, who approved of the name Full-Stack development for my stud.
_Full-Stack Development
_Integrated Development Environment
_Application Programming Interface
_Random Access Memory
_Central Processing Unit
Pack Leader Daybreak- on hiatus | ||||||||||||