Milky Ways

When we look out into space, we are looking into our own origins, because we are truly children of the stars.

code by #202
the hand we were dealt
The roughened up male wolf was looking around with a cold gaze, his ice blue eyes sparkling in the moon's shimmering light. "Kairo. His name was Kairo. He was the former King of this pack." The male starts. "Long live the King!" Howls the crowd of wolves in front of him. The blue shaded male stands up and puffs out his chest. "I was made from him, his soul. The greed he had has put him to rest as a forever mortal, but the stars decided I shall take a part of him. I was born from the ashes of his soul, pure stardust." The words echoed around and the whispers of the wind told their tales from the past along with the new young King.
"My name is Alloy Remus, Alloy, call me Alloy. Your King, Alloy." He howled and the pack of wolves answered. Hiraeth, the former mate of Kairo, stood on the back lines, growling as the earth beneath her paws rumbled and growled as well - Alloy was no king of hers. "You, the Planet-borns and Moon-borns, shall now confide in me, your Star-born King."
Lore Explanation
The lore goes like this: there is this group wolves who serve the cosmic wolf Gods that exist in my lore. The Gods live in the far away stars on the edges of our galaxy. There are three Gods: Takyana the God of creation, Shynra the God of time and Valco, the God of destruction. Takyana creates worlds, shapes the stars and paints on the skies. Valco answers that with the cycle of creation and distruction, clearing the way for new creations. Shynra embodies the concept of time, shifting it and travelling through it. The Gods don't have ages, genders nor anything that could place them on the same level with mortal wolves. Even though they shift forms and travel through time and space as pure cosmic energy: they take a form of a wolf when facing a Star-born.
So, what is a Star-born wolf? They are the chosen ones of the Gods, there can be only one at a time. A Star-born isn't necessarily a Star-born, but rather a Sun-born, as it's the biggest star in our solar system and Star-borns represent it and gain the Sun's essence in their veins. Star-borns are either born or made demigods who rule the earthly pack of wolves who serve the Gods. Meaning a pup of a Star-born wolf isn't automatically a Star-born, the Gods decide the next Star-born, it doesn't even have to be the blood of the current one. There isn't a description of what a Star-born should look or be like, only the Gods know what they are looking for. As Star-borns die, their existence and energy travels to a new realm where they become full Gods of something that they represented in their mortal life. A good thing to note is that a Star-born will probably act more like a mortal than a God (or a demigod..) since their whole life is a journey to become a God of their own realm. They love, have puppies, become angry and sad and experience everything in their life that a normal wolf probably would experience - excluding the whole cosmic divine stuff.
And we move on the Planet-borns. From Gods to Star-borns (demigods) to Planet-borns who are next in line for "hierarchy", even though there is also a built-in hierarchy even between the Planet-borns. Planet-borns are the aristocrats who alongside of serving the Gods also serve the Star-born as a higher being, a deity of importance, helping the chosen one reach Godhood (serving, lending powers and counsel with the knowledge of their own planet). The Planet-borns fall into the categories of Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Earth isn't one of the planets, since it is the planet that the pack inhabits and protects in some ways.
Planet-borns of Mercury and Venus are the most powerful of Planet-borns as they are the planets that are the closest to the Sun, the big star which the Star-born wolves are "made" from. Mercury- and Venus-borns are like the right and left paws of a Star-born, representing totally different things but working together.
The hierarchy of the Planet-born goes in the following order, following the order of the real planets - from closest to the Sun to the furthest away from the Sun: Mercury & Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto.
Each of the Planet-borns have a different cause, but that doesn't come from the personality of a wolf. That's not what determines which planet a wolf represents, neither do genetics. The Star-born wolf assigns the planets to each wolf the day they are born or the day they join the pack, as it is a Star-born's duty. As they assign these planets, the essence of the planets become one with the assigned wolves. This doesn't change the wolf's personality neither, only gives them a path to follow and alters their soul's path for eternity.
Mercury - commerce & communication
Venus - love & beauty
Mars - war & passion
Jupiter - healing & growth
Saturn - consequences & responsibility
Uranus - rebellion & innovation
Neptune - dreams & creativity
Pluto - transformation & rebirth
Lastly there are Moon-borns. Where the Planet-borns serve the Star-born and the Gods, the Moon-borns serve these two as well as the Planet-borns - expect the ones from Mercury and Venus as they have such a power of their own and and are in close relations with the Star-born. Each of the remaining six planets have their own moons, but the Moon-borns don't have specific Planet-borns they serve out of the six planets, they share the tasks. The role of a Moon-born is also assigned by the Star-born King/Queen.
Like mentioned in the Star-born description, the Milky Ways pack acts almost like any other pack. The wolves hunt, scout and do everything normal wolves would do - even with their cosmic powers and beliefs.
- Every wolf will (at some point) have their own little backstory/story notes in their biograohy!
- This storyline is solely for my own fun and was created by me and only my wolves participate in it: wolves I've sold etc have no place in the story :)
- Only the wolves I keep/have bought exist in the story! Even if I buy a wolf, I will most likely come up with a backstory of my own for them.
- I still breed wolves regularly and play the game normally!
- I strive to breed NIB, mostly low gen puppies.
- If you have any questions regarding the story (or anything else), please ask!
Have a great day eveyone!
King Alloy Remus | ||||||||||||