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. . l o r e . .

It's night. The winter air bites latches onto you with a chilling grasp. The only source of light is the luminous moon in the sky above, though it is frequently blocked by towering conifers and jagged peaks as you make your way through the forest. The path you follow guides you into a valley with clusters of decaying trees, their bare branches quivering in the breeze.

In the darkness made by boulders and fallen trees, bright eyes peer out at you. Wolves emerge from their dens and burrows, not snarling at you - yet. Tension hangs heavy in the air. A flame colored male with vivid orange eyes steps out from the shadows, judging your every move. While this certainly isn't a friendly welcome, perhaps you can prove yourself to them...

. . . . . . . . . . . .

The aptly named Deadwood Pack has gained its name because of the landscape surrounding their home. Prophetic visions given to healers have always guided wolves to settle in areas with decaying trees. Though frightful in appearance, the territory beyond the pack's camp is full of prey and burrows built by these wolves stand strong.
* Beneath a fallen conifer is the herbalist's workplace, better known as Darkspruce Den. Here is where the healer and their apprentice work to manage herbs and treat the sick.
* Sharpclaw Summit, a collection of jagged rocks and bluffs, is where the pack's hunters and scouts gather, lazing in the sun or sparring with one another.
* Nearby is the Softspring Cradle, a warm warren where pupsitters and parents keep watch over the pack's future.
* Wildwater Valley is where adolescents gather to hone their skills and often play on the banks of a swift stream.
The Deadwood Pack guards their territory with tooth and claw, and strangers are seldom welcome.

Though living in a land of plenty, a darkness looms. Years ago, a prophecy was given to the pack's founder: every leader was to meet an untimely death. The previous leader, Vesper, fell in battle. Wildfire, the new pack leader, now faces the challenge of restoring the pack to its former glory while the shadow of death hangs over his head.

. . r e f s . .

Den Symbol guide:
* 🖤 = mel carrier
* 🤍 = albino carrier
* ❤️ = romantic
* 🔥 = aggressive
* ⭐️ = friendly
* ☯️ = stoic
* 🥀 = do not breed w/ stud
* 🌹= okay to breed with stud
* ▲ = Hunting Team 1
* ▼ = Hunting Team 2
* ◈ = Hunting Team 3

Latest Female Can Breed: 7 years 2 months
Heat: 8 rollovers (4 months), last 6 years 10 months

Hunting Roles:
Stalker: Smarts & Wisdom
Chaser: Speed & Agility
Finisher: Strength

Grasslands, Dec Forest, Mountains, Prairie: Speed
Riparian Woodland, Glacier: Wisdom
Con Forest, Tundra: Smarts
Desert, Rainforest: Strength
Taiga, Swamp: Agility

Recipe: Pose Variant [Sentinel]
15 Glowing Spores (15/15)
4 Canine Fang (3/4)
4 Canine Claw (4/4)
2 Wolf Skull (2/2)
2 Wolf Tail (1/2)

. . g o a l s . .

  • *Let all current wolves pass naturally before starting a nuzlocke lore pack*

  • *Move nuzlocke pack to Prarie*

  • find NBW mutation carriers (wolves tested so far: 31)

  • breed some T3s

  • Get a G1 B&W or W&B eyed wolf

Lead Wolf Wildfire
Played By 🪴 sprout 🪴 (#3713)
Territory Biome Coniferous Forest
Cave Slots 6 / 10
Pack Adults 1 / 58
Pack Pups 0 / 290
Immortal Wolves 0 / 1

~ Release ~
Name Stats Info Currents
~ Sales ~
Name Stats Info Currents
Darkspruce Den
Name Stats Info Currents
Sharpclaw Summit
Name Stats Info Currents
G2 Pearl (T3)
544 stats L13 Male 4 years 6½ months (Adult) 4y 6½m Hungry UnhappyScoutSick
Softspring Cradle
Name Stats Info Currents
Wildwater Valley
Name Stats Info Currents