Rivership Downe
✦ Year 5

You should take some time and read our story!
✦ Welcome to the Downe
✦ There once was a wolf, who was friends with a rabbit. This rabbit was cunning and full of tricks, but the wolf was cold and malice, armed for the kill and ready to defend his pack. Well, one shining night, the pack sat on a hill above the silver moon. They howled to the moon all as one, like a song to an old friend...And the rabbit in the burrow below began to dance! He tipped and tapped, hopped, and flopped. And eventually, he danced right out in front of the pack! There was silence for a moment, then the malice wolf began to laugh and his tail to wag! "I have not laughed since I was a meer pup! You seem to bring my heart joy with your quick tapping feet! " Said the Wolf. "Well, I sure could teach you, should you leave me in one piece long enough!" The rabbit laughs, his foot still thumping. "In one piece you shall stay!"
✦ From this friendship, came generations of coexistence; The rabbit and his harem would fetch herbs and medicinal properties through the seasons, and the wolves would heal their injuries should they have any, to protect them from external harm, rather than their own species threats. They lived this way for 5 generations.
✦ It was in the 6th generation that the pack was split by a family feud, the fight for Riverships full territories raged like wildfires, prey fled from the forest in groves as the split pack began to overpopulate, and wage almost constant war over hunting territory. This divide caused the rabbits to flee along with the other fauna.
✦ It was the 8th generation that was cursed with famine. The still split pack was forced to eminently part ways from the forest, Most of these wolves are now long passed, but the few who stayed in the barren forest watched in regrow from the grass to the sky...And from the fruits of their labor, came the returning fauna, the blooming flowers, and birds that fill the sky with their songs... Though their names are not remembered, it is Catori Who lives in their memory... She upholds their old laws, and keeps a certain peace among the fauna of the forest.

And don't forget to check out our links...
Queen Catori | ||||||||||||