Scarborough Pack
~ Pack Lore ~
Late in the evening, the wolves
of Scarborough Pack can be seen dancing and leaping against the vibrant
horizon. Their wolfsong wakes half the forest, and it's said that if one
looks very carefully, one may see in their movements the inspiration
from the war dance of their patron spirit, Weasel. Their hunts are loud
and flashy; their personalities, in broad strokes, are warm, excitable,
and passionate. Whether Weasel's gifts of energy and vigor make them too
much to handle, or delightful and forthcoming friends - either way,
they care not. They dance on in their patron's footsteps.
are married into the line of the heroic Miriko Skyborn by way of Pack
Harrowing's son, Riko, and have become allies of - or perhaps puppets of
- the accomplished Pack Harrowing as a result (Pack Harrowing played by
SyntheticHumor). They've formed an alliance with the Pack of Fallen
Leaves based on their mutual faith and reverence of the spirits, and
have taken in one of their sons, Wild Animal Howling, as a show of good
faith (Pack of Fallen Leaves played by Slant). For everyone else, the
pack was founded on new blood - a motley crew of strays and rescues
which has come together to form something of a group identity.
is a pack of spirituality and passion. They're a marriage of old
reverence with new sensibilities. They're healers, they're diplomats,
productive hunters, they're a pack of found families and new lineages.
This is their story.
Why do they worship Weasel? Who's Pack Leader Amaranth, and what drove her to these lands? What's this about a diplomatic marriage? Check out Scarborough Pack's Lore thread for flash fiction surrounding its wolves, the circumstances leading to the formation of Scarborough Pack, and more!
Scarborough Pack Lore Thread!
~ Parsley, sage, rosemary, & thyme ~
-- Allied Packs --
* Pack Harrowing (Run by SyntheticHumor)
- Welcomed Scarborough Pack and offered one of their sons, Riko, to the pack in its fledgling days.
* The Pack of Fallen Leaves (Run by Slant)
- Fellow spiritualists, they too formed diplomatic bonds with Scarborough Pack by way of mingling. They sent their son, Wild.
Scarborough Labor Law
This is a memo to myself. After the tragedy of Wildbloom's first litter, huntresses now get their final day of pregnancy OFF! No more waiting until just before rollover to nest them!
The wolves have unionized for 1 rollover maternity leave, and honestly I gotta respect a hardworkin' wolves union.
Goals: Expand Pack Territory - round 3 (up to 25) (I need to stop befriending so many wolves aaaa)
Expand Pack Territory - round 4 (up to 30)
-Write up pack lore Create Pack Lore Thread
--- Create Founding Story (In Progress)
-Prepare for May lunar event 50 uses Healing
75 uses Healing
--- 100 uses Healing 20x Lucky Rabbit Foot
--- 30x Lucky Rabbit Foot Reach Level 20
-Set up breeding plans
--- Amaranth Makeover Figure out road to make Dances-In-Fire
--- Powerlevel his parents
Pack Leader Amaranth | ||||||||||||