Skies Walkers
It's night, and the wind tastes of something almost foreign... You forgot the word that could've been used for it. Your paws navigate you through narrow cracks between large mountains, and you take care to avoid some of the sharper stones.
You find yourself in a strange field with a sparse few trees, surrounded on nearly all sides by more mountains; it's peaceful, and you've spent most of the day exploring, so you settle down to groom yourself of the dust that ended up gathering on your fur.
Just as you begin to feel your eyes close, you hear something behind you, and that strange smell comes back stronger and more recognizable; and suddenly you remember the word for it, just as it clicks that it's accompanied with a pack-scent. Salt and cave-water. Yellow eyes that seem to glow look at you from where the owner stays hidden in the shadows; oh dear. The wolf comes out into the clearing, a strange pattern on their dark fur.
"And what do we have here... a trespasser, another vagabond...? No, that's packscent on you. State your intent, and be quick; my patience is thin today." The wolf says; female, and definitely a pack leader.
"I have no intent, I didn't realize you were here." You say neutrally. The female tips her head in consideration, eyes narrowing, before nodding. "In that case, as long as you remain peaceful here I don't mind you."
You're both at a stalemate for a moment, but you decide to break the silence. "If I could, may I visit your grounds? I swear to be peaceful."
The leader breathes out, long and slow, stepping forward. She inhales your scent, before nodding and turning away. "The tribe stays hidden away for the most part. Follow me if you wish... and beware of the stones. They can get the better of you more often than not."
You didn't mean to walk in during one of those inter-pack meetings, but when you turn to leave Hurricane calls for you to stay. You don't hear much of what she's telling the pack, but it doesn't bother you.
"I apologize for the wait. Something important has come up." She explains, before brushing past you and into the cool night. You take a moment to catch up.
Cymbidium x Burgundy (I'll admit it, I'm in it for the tier 2 warm-dark bases.)
Fuck trying to make scrolling boxes, y'all just gotta scroll through my mountain of text.
Pack Leader Hurricane 🌨️☄️ | ||||||||||||