White River Sentinels
1 adolescent wolf in this pack may leave at the next rollover due to overcrowding!
the lore
The Forever Falls is so named for the way it seems to come from nowhere, and go on forever. Sourced from groundwater under a flatter section of cliff, this tall waterfall feeds into the mountain's river network with some ferocity, the largest of these rivers being directly underneath the Falls itself - and this is where the Sentinels reside.
The Guardians of the Mountain River have a dynasty stretching its' tendrils throughout the ages. An ancient lineage with ancient customs, they have long resided in the Peaks and have protected the local environment for generations.
What makes the Sentinels unique, besides their nature as a stationary, defensive force, is their method of succession. The Sentinels are led by an Alpha and their mate, who pass the title of Alpha on to a chosen child, who then picks their mate and rules for their lifetime. In the case of no children (or no children being deemed suitable), a member of the wider Pack is elected to take the position - or they might challenge it themselves.
Their naming system and customs are also unique- when a pup is born, it is named a single, short descriptive word to show their general personality (for example, Yip, or Scurry). They hold this name throughout their youth and training, and upon turning two years old, they must undertake a test of their ability. This includes battle, hunting and swimming, and a basic knowledge assessment of the local fauna and flora. When they pass this test, they are given their full name, which is sometimes for their appearance, for their personality or for their skills, or some combination of these.
the family tree
Silvertongue & Cliffstride
children: Gold-Wing
grandchildren: Tumble, Flip
Alpha Silvertongue | ||||||||||||