Galactic Empire
The Black Spire Outpost is the largest settlement on Batuu. It is an infamous stop for traders, adventurers, and smugglers traveling around the Outer Rim and Wild Space. Off the beaten path, this outpost has become a haven for the galaxy's most colorful & notorious characters. Widely known for the petrified remains of its once towering ancient trees. The spires now stand guard across the river valleys and plains. They have long captured the imagination of travelers to Batuu. To the first settlers, these petrified spires become more than just landmarks; they became the heart of the outpost itself. (description from Star Wars databank).
The Knights of Ren are an enclave of masked warriors wielding distinct weapons for ranged and closequarter combat, the Knights of Ren are elite, fearsome enforcers of Kylo Ren's dark will.
Oga's Cantina Oga's Cantina is a notorious local watering hole in Black Spire Outpost known for its shady clientele of bounty hunters, smugglers, and off-worlders sampling unique concoctions, conducting shady business, and encountering friends and foes. Run by the local crime boss, Oga Garra, the cantina adheres to a strict code of conduct that tries to keep its unruly patrons in check. With a history of being a smugglers' safe haven and a popular stopping point for those seeking to avoid the authorities, Oga's Cantina has a story or two to tell. Musical entertainment is provided courtesy of former pilot droid RX-24, who has been reprogrammed and renamed to DJ R-3X. (description from the Star Wars databank)
Quick links to wolf & item sales, & raffles:
- Male Puppy Base: Almond, Apricot, Beige, Blonde, Blue, Bronze, Buff, Chestnut, Diorite, Glaucous, Gray Darker, Grulla, Henna, Sarder, Shell, Silver, Skarn,
- Female Puppy Base: Almond, Antler, Apricot, Ashen, Beige, Biotite, Blue, Gray Darker, Khaki, Losna, Mojave, Nepheline, Pearl, Skarn, Sterling, Tumbleweed, Willow
- Male Puppy Eyes: Azure, Black, Blue, Brown, Dust, Fox, Green, Hetero Blue & Brown, Hetero Brown & Blue, Ice, Indigo, Nightglow, Smoke, Storm, Violet, White, Yellow,
- Female Puppy Eyes: Black, Blue, Dust, Glass, Hazel, Hetero Black & White, Hetero Blue & Brown, Hetero Brown & Blue,, Ice, Lumino, Luna, Lux, Red, Saeculorum, Smoke, Wisp,
- Male Puppy Claws & Skin: Black Claws & Gray Skin, Black Claws & Lusxnei Skin, Brown Claws & Oxblood Skin, Fern Claws & Blue Skin, Light Claws & Blue Skin, Light Claws & Lusxnei Skin, Lusxnei Claws & Selenite Skin, Noctiluca Claws & Light Brown Skin, Noctiluca Claws & Lunar Skin, Oxblood Claws & Black Skin, Oxblood Claws & Lusxnei Skin, Root Claws & Selenite Skin, Sandy Claws & Noctiluca Skin, Sandy Claws & Selenite Skin, Selenite Claws & Blue Skin, White Claws & Light Skin,
- Female Puppy Claws & Skin: Black Claws & Noctiluca Skin, Bistre Claws & Oxblood Skin, Brown Claws & Lunar Skin, Brown Claws & Marbled Skin, Light Claws & Dark Brown Skin, Lusxnei Claws & Pale Skin, Noctiluca Claws & Pink Skin, Sandy Claws & Gray Skin, Sandy Claws & Pale Skin, Sandy Claws & Lusxnei Skin, Selenite Claws & Black Skin, White Claws & Lusxnei Skins,
- Male Puppy Nose & Claws: Blue Nose & Lunar Claws, Dark Nose & Gray Claws, Dark Brown Nose & Dark Claws, Light Nose & White Claws, Marbled Nose & Lunar Claws, Noctiluca Nose & Light Claws, Oxblood Nose & Marbled Skin, Pale Nose & Sandy Claws, Pink Nose & Noctiluca Claws, Tan Nose & Bistre Claws, Tan Nose & Black Claws
- Female Puppy Nose & Claws: Bistre Nose & Root Claws, Brown Nose & Dark Claws, Dark Brown Nose & Lunar Claws, Dark Brown Nose & Oxblood Claws, Dark Brown Nose & Selenite Claws, Fallow Nose & Lunar Claws, Gray Nose & White Claws, Light Brown Nose & Bistre Claws, Lunar Nose & Root Claws, Noctiluca Nose & White Claws, Pallid Nose & Oxblood Claws, Pink Nose & Root Claws,
- Male Puppy Nose & Skin: Bistre Nose & Black Skin, Bistre Nose & Light Skin, Bistre Nose & Pink Skin, Fallow Nose & Bistre Skin, Light Nose & Marbled Skin, Lunar Nose & Bistre Skin, Marbled Nose & Blue Skin, Pink Nose & Dark Skin, Selenite Nose & Pink Skin
- Female Puppy Nose & Skin: Black Nose & Blue Skin, Blue Nose & Gray Skin, Brown Nose & Black Skin, Light Nose & Pallid Skin, Lusxnei Nose & Lunar Skin, Pale Nose & Lunar Skin, Pallid Nose & Lunar Skin, Pink Nose & Black Skin, Pink Nose & Selenite Skin, Selenite Nose & Dark Brown Skin, Selenite Nose & Fallow Skin, Selenite Nose & Light Skin, Selenite Nose & Oxblood Skin, Selenite Nose & Pink Skin,
- Puppy Marking in Slot 1: Head Stripe Shaped, Selene Colored
- Puppy Marking in Slot 2: Clover Colored, Dorsal Shaped, Luna Colored, Muzzle Patch Shaped, Throat Shaped,
- Puppy Marking in Slot 3: Black Colored, Dark Brown Colored Doubloon Colored, Selene Colored, Shaded Shaped, Snout Shaped,
- Puppy Marking in Slot 4: Brown Colored, Clover Colored, Cream Colored, Dinar Colored, Grizzle Shaped, Moonlight Colored, Selene Colored, Sepia Colored, Shepherd Shaped, Tamaskan Unders Shaped, White Colored,
- Puppy Marking in Slot 5: Carnage Shaped, Dark Brown Colored, Doubloon Colored, Gentle Unders Shaped, Gray Colored, Honey Colored, Luna Colored, Moonlight Colored,
- Puppy Marking in Slot 6: Dinar Colored, Henna Colored,
- Puppy Marking in Slot 7: Cover Shaped, Cross Shaped, Limbs Shaped, Smudge Shaped, Underbelly Shaped, White Colored,
- Puppy Marking in Slot 8: Beige Colored, Black Colored, Brown Colored, Doubloon Colored, Ducat Colored, Muzzle Patch Shaped, Rump Stripe Shaped, Sterling Colored, Tail Tip Shaped, Tuff Colored, Zircon Colored,
- Puppy Marking in Slot 9: Black Colored, Snout Shaped,
- Puppy Marking in Slot 10: Back Patch Shaped, Brown Colored, Cream Colored, Mask Shaped, Rump Stripe Shaped, Underbelly Shaped,
- Puppy Marking Any Slot: Cream Back Patch, Dark Brown Neck Band, Dark Brown Panda, Dark Brown Rump, Ducat Dilution, Honey Cape, Sepia Half Dorsal, Silver Carnage, Tuff Eyebrows, Tuff Limbs, Tuff Trim, Yellow Bottoms, Yellow Half Cape, Yellow Marbled Unders, Yellow Shaded, White Tail Tip, White Undercoat, White Urajiro,
Art by RedQueen (#4367) banner for Dagobah (chased) and Blurrg (sold)
Art by Chipper (#50444) of a dapper Moff Gideon
Art by Izu (#51423) of a dapper Moff Gideon
- These tips are just a few things that have helped me when I started playing. I recommend checking out the User-Created Guides in Chatter/Game Help. There is a lot of information that can be gained from User-Created Guides that will be useful in helping you to enjoy the game and not get frustrated with it.
- Visit the Questing snake at the start of each rollover - before doing anything else. That way if you have hunters/scouts returning from the previous rollover it will count towards that day's quests.
- Do not grow your pack beyond what you can afford to keep fed & happy. Start with 2 scouts, 5 hunters, 2 pupsitters, 1 herbalist and maybe 1-2 non-working wolves. If you can't handle the pack size you have, scale it back - don't be afraid to chase or sale what you need to get your back manageable.
- Send your scouts, hunting parties and herbalist out as often as possible. If you have fully scouted an area - rescout it to collect items.
- Explore as often as possible. Not only do you gain stats from righting, but you can also find amusement items/crafting materials, herbs and healing salve.
- Do your best to try and complete all 3 of the snake's quests daily. You can gain upwards of 100sc-300sc daily in addition to experience for completing all 3 quests. It's a great way to build SC.
- Try to save at least 10sc daily to enter the Lottery (in games). This is sometimes a quest snake task, which is another reason to accept the snake's quest before you do anything else in the game.
- Keep at least 1 fish ready to be submitted at all times - helps speed up the snake quest when that task pops up.
- If possible, save an extra 50sc to play the Slots (in games) at least once a day. You may not win all the time, but the SC & items when you do win can help.
- Do not move into the harder biomes at first. Stay in the starter biomes for awhile because it is easier to catch larger prey animals to feed your back. The harder biomes are more difficult and your hunting party may only be able to locate small prey that might not sustain your pack.

Alpha Darth Vader | ||||||||||||