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Creeping pack

This is a side quote. You could rattle the stars. You could do anything, if only you dared. And deep down, you know it, too. That's what scares you most.

code by #202


slightly lengthier subheader here

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.

It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum. Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old.


It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using 'Content here, content here', making it look like readable English. Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text, and a search for 'lorem ipsum' will uncover many web sites still in their infancy.

  • this is a list item

  • feel free to add or remove

  • bullet points by copy/pasting

  • or get rid of them entirely

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don't look even slightly believable.

Hello there! My name is Lord and I'm from Creeping pack. If you want to know more about the history of my pack, check out the lore section.

Pack Leader Sun killer
Played By Sylwana (#44321)
Territory Biome Prairie
Cave Slots 8 / 10
Pack Adults 45 / 75
Pack Pups 0 / 375
Immortal Wolves 18 / 19

(1.) ☄ Favourite ☄
Name Stats Info Currents
338 stats L1 Male Immortal ImmortalSecured
736 stats L15 Male Immortal ImmortalSecured
299 stats L1 Male Immortal ImmortalSecured
It might be already too late for you...
1018 stats L20 Male Immortal Immortal
929 stats L20 Male Immortal Immortal
484 stats L1 Male Immortal Immortal
1313 stats L20 Male Immortal Immortal
849 stats L20 Male Immortal Immortal
929 stats L20 Female Immortal Immortal
The biggest lie about purpose is that you find it.
802 stats L20 Female Immortal ImmortalSecured
(2.) Eternal Nursery
Name Stats Info Currents
287 stats L1 Male Immortal Immortal
I wonder who could have built this weird structure
210 stats L1 Female Immortal ImmortalSecured
Who is the cutest dog killer in the world, who?
341 stats L1 Male Immortal ImmortalSecured
246 stats L1 Female Immortal ImmortalSecured
481 stats L1 Male Immortal ImmortalSecured
She refused to die.
272 stats L1 Female Immortal ImmortalSecured
259 stats L1 Female Immortal ImmortalSecured
Cutie patoot 😚
242 stats L1 Male Immortal Immortal
(3.) Breeding project
Name Stats Info Currents
(4.) 700+/-
Name Stats Info Currents
(5.) 800+
Name Stats Info Currents
960 stats L12 Female 6 years 5 months (Adult) 6y 5m Herbalist
938 stats L10 Female 4 years 8 months (Adult) 4y 8m Pregnant (1 rollover)NestedHunter
949 stats L11 Female 4 years 9½ months (Adult) 4y 9½m Hunter
964 stats L11 Female 4 years 9½ months (Adult) 4y 9½m Hunter
956 stats L10 Male 4 years 8 months (Adult) 4y 8m Hunter
1010 stats L11 Female 6 years 4 months (Adult) 6y 4m Hunter
849 stats L8 Female 2 years 8 months (Adult) 2y 8m Hunter
847 stats L8 Female 2 years 8 months (Adult) 2y 8m Hunter
845 stats L8 Female 2 years 8 months (Adult) 2y 8m Hunter
960 stats L9 Female 3 years 10 months (Adult) 3y 10m Hunter
953 stats L9 Female 3 years 10 months (Adult) 3y 10m Hunter
939 stats L10 Male 4 years 8 months (Adult) 4y 8m Hunter
(6.) 900+
Name Stats Info Currents
(7.) 1000+
Name Stats Info Currents
1115 stats L10 Male 5 years 0 months (Adult) 5y 0m Hunter
(8.) other members of the pack
Name Stats Info Currents
Name Stats Info Currents
854 stats L9 Male 3 years 6½ months (Adult) 3y 6½m Hunter
891 stats L9 Female 3 years 10 months (Adult) 3y 10m Hunter
923 stats L11 Female 4 years 9½ months (Adult) 4y 9½m Hunter
889 stats L11 Male 4 years 0 months (Adult) 4y 0m Scout
922 stats L11 Female 4 years 0 months (Adult) 4y 0m In Heat (4 rollovers)Scout
854 stats L13 Female 2 years 8 months (Adult) 2y 8m Hunter
923 stats L10 Male 4 years 8 months (Adult) 4y 8m Hunter
930 stats L9 Female 3 years 10 months (Adult) 3y 10m
855 stats L8 Male 3 years 1 month (Adult) 3y 1m Hunter
902 stats L9 Male 3 years 10 months (Adult) 3y 10m Hunter
269 stats L4 Female 5 years 1½ month (Adult) 5y 1½m In Heat (1 rollover)
535 stats L10 Male 6 years 9 months (Adult) 6y 9m
882 stats L9 Female 4 years 0 months (Adult) 4y 0m In Heat (4 rollovers)Hunter
890 stats L9 Male 4 years 0 months (Adult) 4y 0m Hunter
648 stats L4 Male 2 years 8 months (Adult) 2y 8m Hunter
918 stats L9 Female 3 years 10 months (Adult) 3y 10m Hunter
547 stats L2 Male 2 years 4 months (Adult) 2y 4m Level Up
545 stats L2 Male 2 years 3½ months (Adult) 2y 3½m
557 stats L3 Male 2 years 3½ months (Adult) 2y 3½m HunterLevel Up
588 stats L6 Female 5 years 3½ months (Adult) 5y 3½m Hunter
264 stats L3 Female 3 years 6½ months (Adult) 3y 6½m
1508 stats L3 Male 2 years 9 months (Adult) 2y 9m Hunter
260 stats L2 Male 4 years 3½ months (Adult) 4y 3½m
266 stats L3 Female 4 years 3½ months (Adult) 4y 3½m
888 stats L10 Male 4 years 8 months (Adult) 4y 8m Hunter
895 stats L9 Female 4 years 0 months (Adult) 4y 0m In Heat (4 rollovers)Hunter
Acanthite - 3x rare markings
790 stats L3 Male 2 years 7½ months (Adult) 2y 7½m Hunter
845 stats L8 Female 3 years 1 month (Adult) 3y 1m In Heat (2 rollovers)Hunter
883 stats L9 Female 4 years 0 months (Adult) 4y 0m In Heat (4 rollovers)Hunter
799 stats L12 Male 2 years 8 months (Adult) 2y 8m Hunter
898 stats L10 Male 3 years 10 months (Adult) 3y 10m Hunter
917 stats L10 Female 4 years 8 months (Adult) 4y 8m Hunter