Many moons ago this pack was formed deep in the mountains in woods that were barely touched. One night, a male wolf wandered into an open space, and met nose to nose with a mysterious black wolf, who offered to help him gain knowledge and learn the ways of a pack. The male was named Schick'sal, a wolf who took on the green of the woods with him on his pelt.
That same night, Schick'sal met noses with another wolf, she called herself Rhea. As the two become acquainted they also had eventually formed their own pack, known as the Redwood Howlers. They were slow to grow, having to learn to hunt, scout, and care for their young; which were also curious of the surroundings they were in.
One day a strange sickness began to take over, and Schick'sal decided the pack must leave the mountains... and so they did.
They ended up losing many of their members, and mourned for them the following night of finding their new home.
Years passed and a strange group of wolves wandered upon the pack's territory. They were led by a strange wolf who called herself 'Lilac Smoke'. Schick'sal was on the edge of retirement, and by now Rhea had already met with her ancestors, the male let his heir, Attun decide what to do.
Attun accepted this small group, and with it, a few days later she also accepted her place as pack leader.
Attun had kept her pack strong and healthy for many moons, a steady flow of pups and food. But one day a strange blue mist made its way into the pack...and things changed.
Attun and her mate Lilac Smoke changed the name of the pack, and left the old woods they once lived in. The pack was now called Crystalline Gaze, and the wolves here seem to be one with the mysterious energy of the lunar mists...

art by me <3