The Counter Balance
Don't pay attention to their actual game age when reading the lore. Many of them are 'older'; it's just for the lore.
Most of these wolves are based off my OCs. If you are interested in their story, feel free to ask about what inspired them; you can tell which ones have more effort put into them based on their biography lol
If you have interest in any of the pups/wolves in The Mishaps Cave, just message me. Who knows, you might get a gift!
I run a group called Auduban's Order. Feel free to join since I need 5 to meet the requirements lol
(If you have interest in the lore, read Braeyaziene Wraaythe's profile for a continuation after reading the spoiler.)
You step into a clear opening within the mountains, looking for a place to rest. The air is filled with the mixed scents of various trees. Birds twitter with joy and the sun beams without pause. You sit down and take in a breath of relief. Far in the distance, you hear a small river making its journey downhill.
Without warning, a seemingly invisible force strikes you in the snout, effectively sending you into a dazed mindset. You feel a great, almost crushing strength push you headfirst into the dirt. Only then do you register the weight of the wolf on top of you, holding you in place like a stone. You attempt to struggle, but your body feels paralyzed. Before you can speak, a sharp growl breaks the silence.
"Do not move, Outsider."
Complying, you lay there as the wolf continues pinning you. The sheer weight of the wolf is crushing. Eventually, another voice breaks the silence. Luckily, the voice sounds less deadly, but not anymore friendly.
"Prior knowledge..."
You feel the eyes boring holes into your skull. After a few tight minutes in silence, another voice breaks out, clearly irritated: "Name."
The wolf pinning you releases just enough to let you breathe more. You still can't move, but you can at least talk.
"I'm [Your name here]. Let me go." How many are there? Three? Four?
Immediately the suffocating force returns, almost cutting off your air. Damn it, you think.
It seemed as though the Night descended in a blink, because the surrounding area became as cold as the Glacier Islands. The air chilled and the sky dimmed. You shiver a little. What is going on?
Leader Eiyahdge Neuoorth | ||||||||||||