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Secunda Pack

Queen Kandie
Played By Kadayah (#49121)
Territory Biome Riparian Woodland
Cave Slots 6 / 10
Pack Adults 37 / 50
Pack Pups 42 / 250
Immortal Wolves 0 / 1

Cedar Den
Name Stats Info Currents
6m G5 (R&C Pups)
416 stats L8 Female 4 years 6 months (Adult) 4y 6m UnhappyBreeding Cooldown (3 rollovers)Pupsitter
G6 | R&C Project?
405 stats L2 Male 5 years 2 months (Adult) 5y 2m Unhappy
raise and chase project with Lunar
371 stats L2 Female 5 years 6 months (Adult) 5y 6m UnhappyBreeding Cooldown (14 rollovers)
305 stats L1 Female 0 years 8½ months (Adolescent) 0y 8½m Unhappy
298 stats L1 Female 0 years 3 months (Puppy) 0y 3m
295 stats L1 Male 0 years 3 months (Puppy) 0y 3m
294 stats L1 Female 0 years 8½ months (Adolescent) 0y 8½m Unhappy
293 stats L1 Female 0 years 8½ months (Adolescent) 0y 8½m Unhappy
290 stats L1 Female 0 years 3 months (Puppy) 0y 3m
Douglas Fir Den
Name Stats Info Currents
Sitka Spruce Den
Name Stats Info Currents
Romantic | Pairbonded With Spade
715 stats L14 Male 4 years 3 months (Adult) 4y 3m UnhappyHunter
G1 | Agressive | Conceited
610 stats L15 Female 6 years 0 months (Adult) 6y 0m UnhappyBreeding Cooldown (3 rollovers)Hunter
G1 | Pessimistic (Stoic) | Pairbond With King
591 stats L14 Female 7 years 0½ months (Adult) 7y 0½m UnhappyBreeding Cooldown (3 rollovers)Hunter
⭐ Friendly
506 stats L12 Male 3 years 3 months (Adult) 3y 3m UnhappyHunter
G1 | Helpful | Scout
479 stats L14 Female 5 years 4½ months (Adult) 5y 4½m UnhappyIn Heat (4 rollovers)Scout
410 stats L1 Female 2 years 9½ months (Adult) 2y 9½m UnhappyBreeding Cooldown (9 rollovers)
335 stats L1 Female 0 years 8½ months (Adolescent) 0y 8½m Unhappy
333 stats L1 Female 0 years 8½ months (Adolescent) 0y 8½m
Friendly | Blueschist TII Chased
332 stats L8 Female 4 years 5½ months (Adult) 4y 5½m UnhappyBreeding Cooldown (14 rollovers)Hunter
329 stats L1 Female 0 years 8½ months (Adolescent) 0y 8½m Unhappy
284 stats L1 Female 0 years 3 months (Puppy) 0y 3m
282 stats L1 Male 0 years 3 months (Puppy) 0y 3m
281 stats L1 Female 0 years 3 months (Puppy) 0y 3m
7m | F | G1 | Pupsitter | Pairbonded With Phantom
270 stats L8 Female 5 years 10½ months (Adult) 5y 10½m UnhappyIn Heat (3 rollovers)Pupsitter
268 stats L1 Male 0 years 10½ months (Adolescent) 0y 10½m Unhappy
266 stats L1 Female 0 years 3 months (Puppy) 0y 3m
265 stats L1 Male 0 years 10½ months (Adolescent) 0y 10½m Unhappy
263 stats L6 Female 3 years 9 months (Adult) 3y 9m UnhappyBreeding Cooldown (14 rollovers)Herbalist
259 stats L1 Female 0 years 3 months (Puppy) 0y 3m
259 stats L1 Female 0 years 3 months (Puppy) 0y 3m
256 stats L1 Male 0 years 3 months (Puppy) 0y 3m
248 stats L1 Male 1 year 3 months (Adult) 1y 3m Unhappy
Redwood Den
Name Stats Info Currents
⭐ G2 T3 5m
729 stats L15 Female 5 years 7½ months (Adult) 5y 7½m UnhappyBreeding Cooldown (1 rollover)Hunter
5m | Peach | G2 | Stoic
609 stats L11 Female 3 years 10 months (Adult) 3y 10m UnhappyBreeding Cooldown (4 rollovers)Hunter
G2 | Fox | 7m
506 stats L12 Female 4 years 6½ months (Adult) 4y 6½m UnhappyBreeding Cooldown (1 rollover)Scout
G3 | Fox | 6m
453 stats L7 Female 4 years 5½ months (Adult) 4y 5½m UnhappyBreeding Cooldown (4 rollovers)Pupsitter
408 stats L1 Male 0 years 9½ months (Adolescent) 0y 9½m Unhappy
408 stats L1 Male 0 years 9½ months (Adolescent) 0y 9½m Unhappy
365 stats L1 Female 0 years 8 months (Adolescent) 0y 8m Unhappy
343 stats L1 Male 0 years 8 months (Adolescent) 0y 8m
273 stats L7 Female 4 years 7½ months (Adult) 4y 7½m UnhappyBreeding Cooldown (9 rollovers)Pupsitter
268 stats L1 Male 0 years 5½ months (Puppy) 0y 5½m Unhappy
267 stats L1 Female 6 years 9½ months (Adult) 6y 9½m UnhappyBreeding Cooldown (9 rollovers)
263 stats L1 Male 0 years 5½ months (Puppy) 0y 5½m Unhappy
261 stats L1 Male 0 years 5½ months (Puppy) 0y 5½m Unhappy
Queen's Cave
Name Stats Info Currents
🔥 | g2 | F | Half sister of Celestial
900 stats L15 Female 5 years 11 months (Adult) 5y 11m UnhappyBreeding Cooldown (11 rollovers)Hunter
⭐ | G4 | Kandie Clone
757 stats L16 Female 6 years 8½ months (Adult) 6y 8½m UnhappyIn Heat (3 rollovers)Hunter
🔥 | G2 | F | Half sister of Stardust | Stalker
706 stats L9 Female 5 years 8½ months (Adult) 5y 8½m UnhappyBreeding Cooldown (11 rollovers)Pupsitter
G4 | F | Romantic | Niece of Star & Celeste
695 stats L14 Female 5 years 2 months (Adult) 5y 2m Breeding Cooldown (20 rollovers)Hunter
363 stats L1 Male 0 years 0 months (Newborn) 0y 0m
362 stats L1 Male 0 years 0 months (Newborn) 0y 0m
356 stats L1 Female 0 years 0 months (Newborn) 0y 0m
G3 | Sneaky | Daughter of Stardust | Stoic
609 stats L11 Female 4 years 11 months (Adult) 4y 11m UnhappyBreeding Cooldown (3 rollovers)Hunter
480 stats L1 Female 1 year 4½ months (Adult) 1y 4½m Unhappy
440 stats L1 Male 2 years 1½ month (Adult) 2y 1½m
Romantic | Doubloon | 6m | G3
437 stats L1 Female 3 years 8½ months (Adult) 3y 8½m UnhappyBreeding Cooldown (9 rollovers)Hunter
almost clone of my lead but male
434 stats L1 Male 3 years 8½ months (Adult) 3y 8½m Unhappy
432 stats L1 Male 0 years 4½ months (Puppy) 0y 4½m
422 stats L1 Female 0 years 4½ months (Puppy) 0y 4½m
412 stats L1 Female 1 year 0 months (Adult) 1y 0m UnhappyIn Heat (4 rollovers)
406 stats L1 Female 2 years 6½ months (Adult) 2y 6½m UnhappyBreeding Cooldown (14 rollovers)
397 stats L1 Male 2 years 8½ months (Adult) 2y 8½m Unhappy
TI | G4
393 stats L2 Female 5 years 2 months (Adult) 5y 2m UnhappyIn Heat (2 rollovers)
335 stats L1 Female 0 years 8½ months (Adolescent) 0y 8½m
328 stats L1 Female 0 years 8½ months (Adolescent) 0y 8½m
302 stats L1 Female 0 years 3 months (Puppy) 0y 3m
297 stats L1 Male 0 years 3 months (Puppy) 0y 3m
295 stats L1 Female 0 years 3 months (Puppy) 0y 3m
288 stats L1 Female 7 years 2 months (Adult) 7y 2m UnhappyIn Heat (1 rollover)
276 stats L1 Male 0 years 10 months (Adolescent) 0y 10m Unhappy
255 stats L1 Male 0 years 8½ months (Adolescent) 0y 8½m
253 stats L1 Female 0 years 8½ months (Adolescent) 0y 8½m
219 stats L1 Female 5 years 1½ month (Adult) 5y 1½m UnhappyBreeding Cooldown (3 rollovers)
Sales Cave
Name Stats Info Currents
345 stats L1 Female 0 years 10 months (Adolescent) 0y 10m Unhappy
340 stats L1 Female 2 years 0½ months (Adult) 2y 0½m UnhappyBreeding Cooldown (14 rollovers)
286 stats L1 Male 0 years 3 months (Puppy) 0y 3m
283 stats L1 Male 0 years 3 months (Puppy) 0y 3m
Name Stats Info Currents
272 stats L1 Female 2 years 0½ months (Adult) 2y 0½m UnhappyIn Heat (3 rollovers)
273 stats L1 Female 3 years 4½ months (Adult) 3y 4½m UnhappyBreeding Cooldown (9 rollovers)
272 stats L1 Male 0 years 5½ months (Puppy) 0y 5½m Unhappy