The once thriving community now lies in ruins, its wolves scattered and struggling to survive amidst the desolate landscape. The Isklandi tribe, known for their rich culture and harmonious way of life, were caught off guard by the sudden onslaught of war. Generations of peace shattered in an instant, as merciless flames devoured their homes and livelihoods. The artisans, scholars, and keepers of balance were devastated - their family torn apart, their vibrant redwood forest reduced to a charred wasteland. Those who managed to escape with their lives were left with nothing but pain and loss, haunted by the memories of loved ones lost and the terror of what they had witnessed. Displaced and desperate, they embarked on a journey through unfamiliar lands, driven by a fierce determination to rebuild what was taken from them.
Chased NBW: 🌟 || Pairbonded: 💞 For Sale: 💲 || Enclave: ❌ Fox Eye: 🦊 || Puma Eye: 🐱 || Special Eye: 👁️ || Project:👑
Chaser: 🌪️ || Finisher: 🦾 || Stalker: 🔇|| Pupsitter: 🍼|| Scout: 🏹||
T1: 🥇 || T2: 🥈|| T3: 🥉|| T*: 🏅|| R&C: ♻️
King Lothias [NBW/Alb/Pointed] | ||||||||||||