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Crystal Cavern

A Mysterious Glimmer Was Spotted...

As you wander north into the mountains the first greeting is the beautiful scenery. But as you push on and the sun begins to set upon you first night within the land you spot a glimmer for a split second. Confused if it was a trick of the sun or not you slowly stalk in to direction of the glimmer. Tall grass brushes against your legs and underbelly, slightly distracting you from your mission. Shaking your head you leap out of the tall grass to be met with nothing. *surely i must have imagined it then* you think, turn around, you come face to face with two other wolves. One with cool calculating eyes of yellow. The other with a stilled collected face, with unreadable eyes. 

You stand your ground, preparing to flee if the interaction becomes violent, But something catches your eye, a necklace of sorts, with a crystal of some kind glimmers around the female wolf's neck.  As if sensing your curiosity, she speaks.
"It means I'm Married. It's a custom in our pack."  Her voice was soft and stern sounding.  
"Indeed it does, my love" The male chuckled looking at his wife before looking back at you. "My name Is Nykerian, the Alpha of the pack who's lands you currently stand. And this is my lovely Wife," 

After some conversation with the pair, you find yourself facing a few choices. Which will you choose?

>  Turn back the way you came
> Join the Crystal Cavern Pack
> Ask to stay for a few nights to extend a ally deal for your pack

Roles & Stats:

M: 7  F: 21

Alpha: Nykerian
Alpha's Mate: 
Heir: TBD

Upper Class:
Beta: Feyre
Beta's Second: Celaena
Herbalist: Polina
Pup Sitter(s):Nephelle, Morrigan, Briallyn 

Working Class:
Hunters: Miryam, Kallias, Feyre, Bryaxis
Scouts: Rowan, Cresseida

Nursing Pups: Demetra, Nyx, Sentella, Nimue, Amren, Mazikeen
Pups: Maas, Amethyst, Bronze, Copper
Adolescents: Celaena, Dusk, Elis, Fern  

Unjudged: 3 Puppies:


"Laws keep us civilized, Without them we'd be ruthless savages"
1.  Alpha's Decree is final
2. Respect the Alpha's Mate and Heir, second only to the alpha
3. Loyalty- Defend your land and brethren with your life
4. Never strike First, but be sure to strike last
5. Nature is to be respected, dont destroy it unless absolutely necessary. 
6. Honor our dead as often as possible..
7. Pups are sacred, if you see a pupsitter in need of a break help them.
8. ~~~

Breeding Goals

Pies, Albinism, Heterochromia, Twins
Alpha Nykerian
Played By Teegan (#5107)
Territory Biome Mountains
Cave Slots 3 / 10
Pack Adults 4 / 26
Pack Pups 0 / 130
Immortal Wolves 0 / 0

Name Stats Info Currents
256 stats L5 Female 1 year 8½ months (Adult) 1y 8½m HerbalistSick
Hunters And Scouts
Name Stats Info Currents
Name Stats Info Currents
G3 🍰 auburn
336 stats L5 Female 2 years 6½ months (Adult) 2y 6½m Breeding Cooldown (11 rollovers)PupsitterSickSecured
G12 | merle /Caelum Veneer
383 stats L7 Female 2 years 11 months (Adult) 2y 11m Breeding Cooldown (4 rollovers)PupsitterSick
Name Stats Info Currents
242 stats L1 Female 3 years 2 months (Adult) 3y 2m ScoutSick