The Imagoes
The Imagoes
The Imagoes are a group of four different factions of wolves, united together by their shared history, culture, and the necessity of cooperation. Their representative is chosen, by majority vote, to act as a diplomat, mediator, and tie-breaker for the whole group. As a whole, they greatly value personal growth and change, believing in and working towards the shapes and forms that are yet to come.
The Factions:
Faction Caves:
- 🦋 Scalewing Dynasty 🦋
A family lineage founded by two of the three founders of The Imagoes. Unrelated wolves may only join the dynasty by mating into it. They're the glue that helps keep the other Imago factions from fracturing away entirely, by working as messengers, mediators, and diplomats on their behalf. This gives them a sizeable amount of political influence on the Imagoes as a whole, well respected despite being the smallest and weakest faction.
Scalewing wolves are free to take on whatever jobs or hobbies they wish. Wolves wishing to woo a Scalewing are most often successful when they are friendly ⭐ or romantic ❤️ enough, and offspring typically turn out much the same.
They are led by the Hedylid, who was raised for the role by the Hedylid before them. In addition, the Hedylid also acts as healer and spiritual leader for all of the Imagoes. Aside from the Hedylid and the rest of the family, there is no formal hierarchy.
The Dynasty is friendly with the Elytron College 🪲, with whom they frequently collaborate and share (some) information with. They are lukewarm towards Hive Apocrita 🐝, seeing them as a great risk that can give greater rewards if treated properly. They dislike the Dipteran Collective 🪰, who were the first to break the original unity of the Imagoes and give way for the other two factions to form.
- 🦋 Lepis Grotto 🦋
The main den-site and center of activity for the Scalewing Dynasty. The limestone walls contain tiny fossilized shells and are covered in paw-painted art. Where ever the floor isn't too damp for it, there are soft furs, feathers, and fibers placed down for the protection and luxury of paws. The pools and aquifers of water here contains olms and strange troglobite fish, which the pack if forbidden from consuming except in times of famine.
Outsiders are strictly forbidden to enter the deepest chambers of the Grotto, unless they're invited in by the eldest Scalewing. This invitation has only ever been extended to the very old or the very sick, and once they've gone in they've never returned.
- 🪰 Dipteran Collective 🪰
Compromising of every Imago wolf that doesn't belong to another faction, the Dipteran Collective is usually the largest group of the bunch at any given time. Most Imago wolves have been part of the collective at some point in their life or another. However, many wolves find themselves leaving the collective for other factions or packs due to confrontation with the group's core members.
Wolves who are Dipteran long-term tend to be generalists, taking on whatever tasks they need or want to be done. They're usually aggressive 🔥 or stoic ☯️ in temperament, as those are the personalities that have historically been most compatible with those of influence within the group.
The Beelzebub , the most promiscuous male of the group, is the symbolic leader of the group. In practice, all decisions are made either by individuals or by group consensus.
The Collective tends to admire and look up to Hive Apocrita 🐝 as heroes. The Elytron College 🪲 also holds interest for more scholarly Dipteran wolves, but the College isn't held in the same esteem as the Hive. They find the Scalewing Dynasty 🦋 distasteful, finding much to not like about their meddling and exclusivity.
- 🪰 Fly Hollows 🪰
As the most adaptive Imago faction, the Dipteran Collective will find and make nests and den sites of any suitably sheltered spot. As a group, these shelters are known as the Fly Hollows.
Because they're small, dispersed, and well hidden, these hollows frequently double as cache sites for whatever supplies The Imagoes might need in the future. In fact, the Fly Hollows get their name from the flies that are attracted to these caches whenever the stored meat is left to rot for too long.
- 🐝 Hive Apocrita 🐝
Strict, disciplined, and authoritarian, Hive Apocrita is a faction that lives for the thrill of battle. When they are not protecting the Imagoes from outsiders or patrolling the territory, they're out hunting for food and sport. Though they are strong and tend to be power hungry, they're usually kept in check by their small numbers and by the strength of the other factions.
Apocritan wolves must dedicate themselves to lives of violent conflict, either between theirselves and outsiders or theirselves and their prey. They can only ever be hunters, and aren't allowed to take any other roles. This attracts aggressive 🔥 and romantic ❤️ wolves, who seek outlets to express their aggression or to test themselves.
The Hive is much more hiearchical than any other faction, with there being a pecking order both within and between Apocrita hunting parties. Each party is lead by the most experienced wolf, and the hunting party that brings in the most prey commands the other parties. Though their power is not absolute, you can be sure that the best wolf of the best party, the Queen, rules supreme.
The Hive has a moderate amount of respect for the Scalewing Dynasty 🦋, who they as a whole see as good and just wolves. They do not mind the Dipteran Collective 🪰 much, thinking them as little more than additional bodies to feed and protect. holds much contempt for the intellectuals of the Elytron College 🪲, who they see as too soft and idealistic for reality, and yet an obstruction to their goals.
- 🐝 Swarm Caverns 🐝
- 🪲 Elytron College 🪲
A fairly informal institution of learning, created by the third founder of the Imagoes and several like-minded colleagues. Like many colleges, Elytron is dedicated to the discovery and proliferation of knowledge, ideas, and ideals. They specialize in studying the natural world, but under their wings there is room for all disciplines of study. Any wolf that can stand by the college's principles and follow their rules can be a part.
The lives of the Elytron wolves are dedicated, by either their work ethic or moral ethic, to pacifism in all but self-defense. They do not hunt, but they do scoutout the wilderness, mentor
others, and look after pups
. Most Elytron wolves are either friendly ⭐ or stoic ☯️. The former group has the spirit of collaboration, and the latter group has the spirit of study, both important for being good scholars.
They are ruled by council, who is headed by the wolf with the most ability to oversee operations. Below the head and the council are the faculty, at the bottom of the hierarchy are the students.
The College is most fond of the Dipteran Collective 🪰 , from whom they most frequently recruit new students, scholars, and hard labor from. It is they that the college wishes to use their knowledge to aid the most, but in truth they do more collaboration with the Scalewing Dynasty 🦋, who have much to offer in terms of what the College seeks. They look on at Hive Apocrita 🐝 in horror, fearing and working to prevent what terrors such a warmongering group might unleash.
- 🪲 Beetle Burrows 🪲
The Beetle Burrows are a number of disconnected tunnels and underground chambers that sprawl out far beyond the borders of the territory. They are connected to each other by above-ground paths and trails.
The central burrow, the only one located within the pack's borders, is the eponymous Elytron College itself. Larger than all of its kin, it contains a number of chambers for keeping written records, storing resources, and housing wolves. Only Elytron wolves have free access to the burrow, although outsiders can come in so long as they are accompanied by at least one member of the college.
The burrows outside of the territory are rest stops and research outposts. Any and all Imago wolves can enter and use these burrows freely as they travel across the known world. They are not nearly as well maintained as the central burrow, however, and are infamous for suffering simultaneous collapses about every decade or so.
Other Caves
- 🐛 Siphon Sett 🐛
An abandoned network of badger burrows within the territory, widened by erosion and willful effort to make it just big enough to hold wolves. It's located a ways away from the usual living areas, but it's safe, sturdy, and cozy enough to hold a few sick wolves.
- 🦟 Stylops Abri 🦟
A shallow cave dug and eroded into the side of a steep hill. It is usually kept empty except for a few goods, but it is sometimes used to shelter visiting or wandering wolves.
⭐ Friendly ⭐
🔥 Aggressive 🔥
❤️ Romantic ❤️
☯️ Stoic ☯️
Faction Indicators:
🦋 Scalewing Dynasty 🦋
🪰 Dipteran Collective 🪰
🐝 Hive Apocrita 🐝
🪲 Elytron College 🪲
Wolves with

Wolves with

Wolves with 💨 in their footnote are to be chased when they're adult and jobless
Puppies with 🐻 in their footnote are to be sold or given to enclave
Lead Bombyx | ||||||||||||