Moonlit Wayfarers

"-And when you meet her, I hope She will show you mercy.
Because we sure as hell will not."
This is how the tale goes:
Once upon a time, when the world was still fresh and blank, as things were being formed from starlight and starlight alone, She was there. There wasn't much, and yet She still looked at her own work with attentive eyes, making things as perfect as they could be. Unfortunately, corruption was quick to play its part in the creation's game. Temptations arose, and the weak fell for them, while the others tried almost desperately to stay in the favor of the moon. She fought and fought, day after day, trying to save what she had made and failing ultimately to do so in the end. The corruption was too strong even for a goddess such as Her. That was when the entire world fell into darkness, and things started to wither; slowly but surely, everything left was the dry emptiness of what used to be paradise, now merely a reminder of what had been lost.
When darkness was the only thing left, that's when they arose. The Moonlit Wayfarers started as nothing but one wolf, trying her hardest to make it through the tough and unforgiving lands she found herself in. What made her so different was that she had a goal. One point to make. Something to prove, to herself and everyone else who had given up on everything. Instead of adapting and doing what she could with what she had, the first wayfarer searched for wolves to follow her cause and formed a pack. She and those with her did everything in their power to gain the moon's favor once more. They begged, and cried, and sang to Her every night. Their chants and prayers went on and on for days at a time. They fought in Her name, and in the end, they won. After each fight, they could feel themselves growing stronger, and that made them even thirstier for blood.
Slowly, generation after generation, fight after fight, the pack noticed that the world began to fix itself again. Their howls changed, from begs and pleadings to cheers. The undertone of the whole world began to shift, and with it, the Moonlit Wayfarers changed too. From warriors, they began to call themselves followers, making their main cause to sit back and watch as She healed the lands and only intervene when they absolutely had to do so.
Now, things are different. The current pack doesn't like to stick around one place for too long; they still take their duty to follow and watch Her work but rarely try to get others to follow their beliefs and instead hide from other wolves. If they need help, they believe She will give them exactly what they need. They're mostly pacifists, only fighting in Her name if She asks and using brute strength only when strictly necessary to defend their own. That said, it is recommended not to underestimate them and think that because of what they believe they will not stand up against those who try to walk over them.
It's said that a way to know that the Moonlit Wayfarers are near is to listen closely to the wind at night. Her voice follows them and warns those who think they can stand a chance against Her and them. The words that linger in everyone's mind, the ones that come out of trembling lips in nothing but broken whispers in the night, is that you should fear Her and with Her, you should fear them. Because She can make the ground under your feet tremble and break before it swallows you whole. It doesn't matter if you believe or not; if you deserve it, you will feel Her anger. And if that is not enough, through bared teeth and bloodthirsty eyes, the Moonlit Wayfarers will not hesitate to drown you in your own blood to defend their name and Hers.
Pack Leader Dara | NBW Albino Carrier | ||||||||||||
Featured Wolf
None set.