Fletched Ones
Goals & Projects
T3-4 in general
Specific wolves
Border collie from a dream
Trans wolf
high statters
short lineages
lineages free of big names
emotional investment lineages
pretty wolves for R&C
(esp inbred w/ long lines & big names)
Opacity Changer, Eye Changer, grove Marking App, Canine
fang, Canine Claw, wolf tail/remnants, Sex Changer,
healing salves, lucky feet, Aging Crystals, herbs, acorns,
SC/GC, food, nesting mats, fox/wolf/canine decors,
crowns, trophies, CDs (see profile)
Background wishlist:
Coigreach BGs, most Glacier BGs, most
Coniferous BGs, most Tundra BGs, most
Deciduous BGs, most Mountain BGs,
BGs that are cooler/darker in color generally
BG RECIPE wishlist:
Winter Cave, Cozy Den, Desolate Cave, Fallen
Tree/Den, Old Railway, all Overgrowns, Rocky Den,
Root Cave, Secluded Spring Den, Sunlit Cave,
Vine Growth
Decor wishlist:
fox/canine decors, mustelid decors, Coigreach
decors, plant accessories & accents,
windswept/airborne decors, crowns, trophy decors,
necklaces, variant pose apps, CDs (see profile)
Decor RECIPE wishlist:
Large branch, Bearbeary Crown, Cedar Bark Crown,
Burning Bush Crown, bird's nest tree, any jay except
Yucatan, any carcass, any necklace, any feather
decor, Skeletal Remains
Lunar Shoppe wishlist:
any app, all BGs, LUNAR DESERT
Hunting parties
(for own ref; ongoing wip)
Tracker, Chaser 1, Chaser 2, Chaser 3, Finisher
🌠 Prey Pulverizers
Ice Powder, Frostbite, Bella, Sand Dollar, Astren
🌠 Sustenance Seizers
David, Agent Autumn, Colby, Emily, Lexi
🌠 Carcass Cronchers
Garth, Mavis, Pyro Magma, Shane, Titan
Target Triumphers
_____, _____, _____, _____, _____
Food Fetchers
_____, _____, _____, _____, _____
Victim Vaporizers
Colorborf, Vyx, Cryptid, Geo, Malcolm
Bitch Biters
_____, _____, _____, _____, _____
🌠 Mean Mouths
Eee, Transvol, Parula, Fuego, Snootus Blootus
Leftover wolves
Granite, Bloodstain, Molly, Prowl
Project Studs
Daikon - Maltiar (x1 free breeding) - Cavern - Husk - Maikoh - Emporer Alpine - Raskel - Apokalypsi - Arlo
Ozan - One Who Falls - Eclipse - Rhonin - Quo - Reckless - Seth - G2 Pyrope Stud - Rhysandr - Ignacio - Miles Prower
Maharajah - Somner - Ominous They - Ghimpele - Bramble - NBW Kaito - Hiillos
Aspen - Jumping Spider - Fritz - Arx - Moros - Ronan
Spruce - Lyte - Coille
Lír - Duat - Frost - Eros - Fenris - Cassiel - Jericho - Dusk - Yearling Opal - Vulkan - Sheepstar - Arctic Fox - Árelíus - Elio - Sorrow - [REDACTED] - Thunder - 🌙鮮やか🌑 - Odhran - Levant Sunstone - Elpis - Starburst - Whitecrow - Nasario
Leander - Star Dust - Alpha Bladerunner - Orion's Belt - Piaco - Глаам
Leader Diogi | ||||||||||||