|_:` The haunted end `:_|

Amorette welcomes you with open arms into her snowy pack !

code by #202
|_:` The haunted end `:_|
Welcome to |_:` The haunted end `:_|, Amorette leads you to her scouts and herbalist, hoping you'd strike up a conversation
The leader is the highest rank. No one can surpass this rank whatsoever, She will always be well respected, known and appreciated by all in the pack for her kindness and generosity to providing for her pack.
Scouts are the Second rank. The leader thinks highly of scouts due to their dedication to expanding their pack's knowledge of the areas around them.
The herbalist is the Third rank. The one who bares the burden of taking care of all the sickly wolves is among the highest of ranks. They are well known for their aggressive behavior, which the leader does not condone.
Pupsitters are the Fourth rank. Amorette praises them well for their care for all of the pack puppies, including hers.
ROLES (again..)
Hunters are the Fifth rank,. Amorette does think highly of them, but not that high. She knows they are easily replaceable -- yet she still cares for them.
Young wolves and Pups are the Sixth rank, while Amorette doesn't hate them, she doesn't give them any praise for their deeds except being obedient.
Travelers are the Seventh rank. Amorette despises those who leave their pack for another rival one. She looks down on them for seeking out her care & food just to wonder off into another pack.
- work
- in
- pro
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See a pup you like? Ask me! I'll work something out with you (probably)
Queen /_: แดแดแดสแดแดแดแด แดณยฒ :_\ | ||||||||||||