Twilight Howlers
Step into the twilight..
As you approach the clearing ahead of you, you notice dens placed evenly around the area. Finally, shelter from the coming storm! As you tread closer, you notice this strange presence. It's not exactly a friendly feeling, but you don't feel as if you're in any danger. Hello? I- I don't mean any harm. I was just hoping to find shelter until this storm passes..
Suddenly, a flash of lightning lights up the dark sky, and you finally notice the eyes staring at you from the darkness of the dens. Don't be afraid, we mean you no harm either.
A dark she wolf steps out of the den directly in front of you, but she looks different from the other wolves you've seen. Her pelt is solid black, aside from the off white marking that seemingly bleeds out from her left eye, and the almost monstrous looking "face" on her chest. She also has dark red horns sprouting from her head. I am Evory, the leader of this group. Or a pack, as you would probably call it? Apologies, we're not from this place, if that isn't obvious.
Evory looks to her left, and then to her right, and then back to you. After a second, two more strange wolves step out of the darkness. They, too, have horns. We're demons. Well, not all of us. But we're not hostile, unless provoked of course. We're not entirely sure how or why we're here, but we are here, so we're only trying to live in peace with the rest of you.
Being surrounded by supposed demons frightens you, as it would anyone, but you really don't feel any hostility from them. You relax your body and nod to them. We thank you for your hospitality. You are more than welcome to wait out the storm here. And if you need anything, please let one of us know. We have food, medicine, whatever you may need.
Evory bows her head to you, and the other two bow in kind. The mood immediately shifts as the other two casually break away to do their duties, and many other, normal looking wolves emerge to do theirs. You're relieved to see wolves more like yourself. Thank you very much!
The dark she wolf gives you a warm, toothy smile before escaping back into her den. Looks like you're going to be here awhile. Hopefully you enjoy your stay..
About my pack..
I have no real lore for my pack, but I do try to keep certain themes going.
• my lead is always a female and decorated to look like some kind of demon or beast
• originally the pack was divided by gender, females being in the Dusk Cave, and males in the Dawn Cave; but I've recently decided to separate them all by personality and the cave names are inspired mostly by Xaela tribes from Final Fantasy 14
• I have no rules on naming conventions, they're usually either randomly generated or names from my favorite video games/anime
• the name of my pack on the other hand, is inspired by Twilight Princess, my absolute favorite Zelda game 🖤
• I don't care too much about inbreeding but I am trying to avoid having filthy wolves, I don't want my pack to end up being as bad as my prides on Lioden
• I'm obsessed with most lunar themed and monochrome wolves, and I absolutely love the Fox, Pyrope and Corundum bases
• I tend to hoard most chased wolves I find if they look neat, but I'll occasionally sell ones that I don't want/have need of; if you're the chaser though, you're more than welcome to ask for them back, free of charge! (as long as proof is provided)
• I usually only immortalize wolves I'm really attached to, regardless of their stats, mutations or anything else that most other players find important

Queen Otohime | ||||||||||||