Nestled in the aftermath of a nuclear wasteland, on a vast tundra nested within hazardous slopes and peaks. In the warmer months, the ground is cracked, ashy, and sun-bleached with scant flora save for a few species of hardy shrubbery, petrified trees, and gnarled roots.
During the winter, things start to freeze, and the territory becomes a white hell with deadly competition as the herds of mountain goats and moose fill the valleys and the area's predators scramble to fill their shrivelled stomachs.
Under the land's crust, a different story plays out - miles upon miles of caverns and twisting tunnels, damp with a series of underground rivers and springs. The ground is muddy and clay-like with the bones of small prey animals acting as fertilizer for a nocturnal forest, just barely lit by light-reflecting ice crystals and red bioluminescent cave vines. This is what the Wraiths call home.
Wildfires are common in the dry season and in the rare case of rain it tends to storm, pelting the landscape with lightning and hail. The weather is extremely finicky and unpredictable.
+Firm Matriarchy+ +Herbalists mustn't breed+ +A wolf must be proven (lvl10) before bred+ +Each heir must be a descendant of the pack founders+ +Heir consorts must be low gen or NBW+
Sister pack - Bluewater
Queen ✧Anapa✧ | ||||||||||||