Songs of the Forgotten~☆
General Pack Information ~☆
~☆Alliances: None
~☆Adversaries : None
~☆Current Pack Events: Pair-Bonding Ceremony & Giving of Gifts
~☆Generations in the Songs of the Forgotten Pack: 4
~☆Years in the Songs of the Forgotten Pack: 5
Pack Links ~☆
Trading Center
{Clicky} Song's Food Pile ~☆ | Song's Health Supplies~☆ | Song's Treasure Trove~☆
Raffel Center
{Clicky} Offical and Forum Raffels
Pack Lore
{Clicky} Songs of the Forgotten Pack ~☆ Lore
Welcome to the Songs Of the Forgotten~☆
I am Echo, the pack leader. My mate and Co-lead is Solaris. A fine wolf with a golden pelt, it's impossible to miss him. If you're lucky, you just might catch him in between duties. Meanwhile, you may have a look around, though there may not be a lot to see. Our wolves keep busy and there is much to do.
As a result we usually have a surplus of food in our hoard and we are constantly adding to our Food Pile on the TC. All food is priced at 2sc per use. The pack's Food Pile is restocked each day. {See Pack Links}
Enjoy your stay and feel free to send a message. Don't hesitate to visit my wolves, you never know, you might be in for a real treat. {See Bios} Now I must be off, important business is always calling. May our paths cross again, Dear Wolf.~
Pack Leader Echo | ||||||||||||